Tuesday 14 January 2014

Victim Ideology

Mary Malone writes:
Victim ideology is a central plank of our post-Fascist State. All fascist regimes depend on self-pity and resentment of the Other. To feed the self-pity the Other must be dehumanised and demonized. Then we can have unity in our grievances, in our hate.
Today, victims are everywhere. To be positive, outgoing, extrovert, is to commit a crime in the State of the Victims. To celebrate the achievements of our ancestors is almost taboo. To mull over centuries old grievances is encouraged. The dynamism of the Anglo Saxons and the Jews is hated with bureaucratic fury.
You only have to go into a bookshop to see the shelves of victim porn, 'survivors' tales of masochism and revenge. And of course only the State can rescue the feeble (woman?) from the Other, from the English, the Jews, men, child molesters and so on.
The relentless promotion of victim propaganda in schools, magazines, news bulletins etc. leads to women to see themselves as weak and powerless, incapable of asserive action, the passive recipient of other people's crimes, inciting the most bitter hate and resentment towards men, men who are perceived to be autonomous and independent.
Indeed, the bureaucratic class hate no one more than those who go and get it for themselves, not waiting to ask for permission from a 'superior'.
 Women who identify themselves as weak and  powerless, except when allied with the strength of government, foster an irrational aversion to men, an aversion that obliterates any rational thought.
By establishing the special vulnerability of Woman, and her special need for protection, the Patriarchal State reveals its extreme male chauvinism. In the nineteenth century the  Liberal State placed Woman under the tutelage of her husband. In the 'equal' feminist neo Patriarchal State she is under the tutelage of the State and its servants, which grant her special privileges and advantages, assisting and protecting her, creating dependency and domination, on condition that the woman obeys the State and protects its interests as a dutiful wife.

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