Thursday 16 January 2014

Brutality In The Society Of Equals

Mary Malone writes:
The politically correct orthodoxy, aping the Nazis and Progressives of the past, and using the biological imperative, maintains that men are predisposed to violence and women have a tendency to passivity and victimhood. The collective psychosis of the means of indoctrination and mental manipulation that Vichy Feminists have managed to create with their argument of gender violence ignores the fact that there are many other sorts of violence in the Society of Equals.
Indeed there has been a terrifying growth in violence and conflict in this world where no-one has any responsibility except to themselves, a world where people only have rights and no duties.
Not only do we have the institutional violence of the State and the regimented workplace, but even within the home the love and respect which was the strength of the family is fast disappearing.
Parents, mothers in particular, suffer abuse from adolescents (both male and female), egocentric offspring venting their grievance on egocentric parents.
Older people are abandoned, left to the mercy of strangers, vulnerable to physical and mental aggression.
Innumerable little boys and girls suffer a lack of love from mothers and fathers who neither understand them, nor love them, adults who are too preoccupied in fulfilling their own destinies as consumers and objects of consumption to bother looking after, or teaching or nurturing their children.
Women themselves, both in public and in private, are hugely more violent than not so very long ago.
The creation of a mindset of conflict is one of the chief aims of the neo-Patriarchal State, which uses a sort of social terrorism to dominate by wreaking destruction on normal societal relations. The promotion of gay marriage and such notions as rape culture are examples of the State laying waste to autonomous society. Through the culture industry - the cinema, television, books, magazines and, of course, the education system we are taught to suspect and fear those we love, to question their motives, their sincerity and their actions.
Antagonism, not harmony is the aim of the modern State, the State of Pandemonium.
Society can only exist through agreement between equals, through mutual collaboration and understanding. The State thrives through the destruction of Society.
Make no mistake, the State is a cancer on the body of Society. Either it is removed or it will kill us all.

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