Wednesday 22 January 2014

One Safe Place

John Ball writes:
Asterix and Obelix live in a small village on the coast of northern Gaul, the only haven of freedom and autonomy in a region dominated by Roman violence. Similarly, in the Eastern Mediterranean, in a region dominated by Moslem violence and barbarism, there is one small haven of civilisation - Israel. Once, not so long ago, Syria and Lebanon were relatively civilised, tolerant and religiously diverse. Now Syria has been consigned to the flames by the NATO-al Qaeda alliance and only Israel remains as a place where a European, or an Arab Christian, or Politically Correct Homosexuals can express their opinions, and live according to their beliefs, or even just walk down the street, safe and unmolested.
From Pakistan on to Iran, to Iraq, Jordan, Gaza, Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, there is violence and the Christians either have been eliminated, or are in the process of being eliminated, like the Jews before them - chased out, murdered, robbed, harassed at every turn.
In the Palestinian territories the situation is bad. The town of Bethlehem, once an Arab Christian town, is now predominantly Moslem. The Christians there are under siege from their neighbours - the Moslems, that is, not the Jews.
Yet, farcically, the mainstream churches in England, institutional Protestant Christianity, whether Baptist, Methodist or Anglican, are possessed with a hatred of Israel, the last refuge of Arab Christianity.
Instead of supporting their co-religionists, the Vichy Christians support those who kill their fellow Christians, ignoring the plight of God's people in their anti-semitic lust.
Typical of many such Jew haters is the Vichy Feminist vicar of St. James in Piccadilly, Lucy Winkett. Keen on women bishops, she writes for the New Statesman, supports antisemitic NGOs such as the Amos Trust and War on Want, a supporter of United Nations policies to break up families in places such as South Africa and India in the guise of women's rights. A typical Guardianista, she loves to cast stones, mistaking her self-righteousness for Christianity.
 Over Christmas, this Progressive vicar had an 'Apartheid Wall' put up outside her church (by wife-beating lower class men, no doubt), to remind onlookers of the wickedness of the Jews in protecting themselves from murdering Moslem fanatics, allowing Christians to live in Israel in peace.
All over the world the Jews have to protect themselves with security. Apart from St. Peter's, the only place of worship in Rome to have serious security is the synagogue, where a child was murdered by the righteous ones back in 1981.
The last wedding I attended was a Jewish wedding. Here in England, such is the extent of the savagery in our midst, there was a need for private security.
Rather than attacking the Jews, Lucy Winkett and her fellow pseudo Christians should concentrate on using their influence to protect real Christians, many of whom are dying at the hands of Lucy's friends.
There are Christians in Gaza and Ramallah who live in fear, subject to cruelty, assault and murder. Millions of Christian people throughout the region live under threat, while Lucy Winkett and her friends spread hatred and prejudice.
Whereas in 1950 Jordan's Christian population was  20% of the total population, the figure is now 6%. The situation is the same in all the nearby countries, where the Moslem  majority are purging the Christians as they once purged the Jews.
But one small country in the region bucks the trend - Israel.
In Israel, in 1949, there were 34,000 Christians. Today, in Israel, there are 168,000 Christians.
Israel is the only Middle Eastern country where Christians can thrive.
Thank God for Israel, and may the Lord have mercy on the likes of Lucy Winkett.

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