Monday 13 January 2014

The Hate Of The Bureaucrat

Where does it come from, all this hate, the hate that leads to murder and genocide? What sort of self loathing leads a person to be a Nazi or a Feminist or a Bolshevik or a Nationalist, a person who wants to exclude and destroy the Other?
Those who hate the most are those who read the Progressive press. Their hatred is not naked. Often it mascarades as love, always it is dressed with morality. Yet, behind their 'love' and their 'righteousness' lies the seething resentment of the person truncated by obedience and passivity and hierarchy, not just in their actions, but internalised within their very souls, like a cancer that poisons their innards to the very core.
These people, - teachers, bureaucrats, soldiers, police, careerists -  are the people who are most debased and degraded, those whose life is within the system, those who have abrogated their responsibility to others, those who have learnt to love the whip.
The People, reluctant recruits, are less violent, though it may not seem so as their violence is not outsourced. It is the military bureaucrats, utilising the police apparatus of the State, who brutalize and kill the most.
Power debases and power corrupts, and the bureaucrat lives in a web of power, both receiving orders and dishing out orders on a daily basis.
These bureaucrats claim authority, but what they have is power. Authority is legitimate, coming from the agreement of equals, the submission of the the younger to the elder, the child to the parent, the less skilled to the highly skilled. But power is illegitimate. Power comes from violence. Behind Power stands the threat of the policeman, and ultimately his sanctions are backed with violence.
Every time a person gives a command based on Power, he not only diminishes his victim, but himself too, doing violence to the free agency and responsibility which is the essence of being human. Those who seek Power, (success) are expressing a weakness that is already within themselves for Violence is weakness not strength. Only the weak resort to violence.
The strong have no need. It is the weak who form the ranks of the military bureaucratic complex, who systematize their violence with morality. Their own power has already been expropriated by the boss, and hungrily they look to expropriate the power of others.
They no longer know how to act of their own volition. The rules and regulations are internalised in the form of Morality. They have an enemy - those who are free from their morality.
A bureaucrat wakes up in the morning in chains. In his mind he thinks what he should do. Dimly aware of his wretchedness, his powerlessness, the enslavement of his will, he lashes out at those he perceives to be more free.
Feminists, nearly all of them university graduates, believe in their own sterility, and hate the fecund woman, and hate the men who might impregnate them, men they perceive to be free of the very femininity that they hate but claim to love.
Nazis hate the Jews, the Gypsies, those who live in groups that are autonomous of the State, those who do not or cannot conform.
The Bolshevik hates the worker, the peasant, the kulak, the small independent individual or group, any expression of life beyond his rules and regulations. He sees the worker laughing and smiling and dancing. But the bureaucrat can only watch, grim and stoney faced, whilst those who are not chained by Morality, those who are not isolated in the hierarchy, whose will is taken, but not surrendered, who are chained during working hours only, laugh and love.
The bureaucrat puts on his regulation back pack, ties up his hiking boots and takes to the hills, hoping for release from his madness, from his hate.

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