Wednesday 29 January 2014

Fairness Is Not Justice

A lot of us who have been around for a few years think this country's going to the dogs. People need to stop whining and toughen up a bit. As England approaches collapse (the notion of England scarcely has any meaning now, either as a country or a culture) all around us we can hear the sneers of self-loathing and self-pity. Everybody is part of a victim group, disabled, female, insulted, subjected to racial harassment?
This is a country of children who wail 'It's not fair'.
Once upon a time the people of England loved Justice and Liberty. Now they yearn for Fairness and Equality. They look at others and compare. They are the passive victims, no longer responsible for their actions. They want the government to make the  equal, to make everything fair, to give to them and take away from others - heterosexuals, men, native English, Jews........
There is a desire to trash everything, to destroy what is good and healthy and beautiful, to judge others and to sneer, to turn everything into a desert of dirt.
Being a complete loser becomes a banner of righteousness.
With shoulders slouched, weighed down by the burden of self-loathing, the slaves of Hierarchy  destroy what remains of freedom, autonomy, independence. They walk in chains, damning their own ancestors as racist bigots, misogynist bullies, Neanderthal homophobes - for smoking cigarettes.
 Freedom, responsibility, justice, and representation, underpinned by the Reformed Protestant faith, were once the basis of English politics.
Love, self-sacrifice, service, gentleness, faith, underpinned our social relations.
But the Progressives hate our once Christian civilisation, because it was a civilisation of millions of autonomous people. But a world of regulation only requires the obedience of slaves. In the mirror of Liberty the Progressives see exactly who they are - petty souls squirming in twisted rage. Slaves themselves, they can only hate the freedom of others.
They yearn for the safety of the latest moral code, one that reflects their self hatred and their appetites.
Lacking dignity, knowing no self-respect, they love the Alien. They travel further and  further, seeking out the exotic and bizarre, fleeing who they are, turning their backs on their own tribe, seeking death in morality and depravity.
Anything, absolutely anything is better than the Judaeo Christian culture of their own people. They don't like Liberty and Justice, these Slaves of Democracy. They wander aimlessly around the Desert of Fairness and Equality.

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