Monday 20 January 2014

The Saviour State

There was a time, back in the 1990s, when I used to listen to Any Questions most weeks. On a regular basis the presenter would ask the audience for a show of hands on whether there should be 'a law against it', and without fail the audience would raise their hands 'yes'.
Now they have their wishes come true. There is a law against pretty much anything and everything.
This morning I switched on the radio, and caught the end of an interview with a doctor who was saying that the sale of something (I don't know what) should be banned to those under the age of sixteen. Someone commented that children should be policed by their parents, not by the government. It seems that at least one person is tired of there being 'a law against it'.
Due to the constant bombardment by the media and the education system it is hard not to think that we are surrounded by dangers and enemies. And, indeed, as society collapses, and each person lives alone and irresponsibly, dangerous and abusive individuals become more common, not just socially, but in business dealings and dealings with the self-serving bureaucracy.
Having created an atomised, fearful and mistrustful individual the State then presents itself as her Saviour. For, let us be honest, it is women who are much more susceptible to this pressure, women who have had to put up with the relentless propaganda that fills a woman with fear and self-loathing.
The servants of the State like to imagine us peasants as beasts and birds of prey, and it is only the State and its worshippers who can save us from tearing each other apart. The Saviour State cannot save us from our sin, but it can save us from the feral strangers who surround us. We are not redeemed by the idol's love, but by its overwhelming Power, by its organisation of institutionalised violence.
The social ties which once linked people together have now been broken, replaced by our submission to the hierarchy. The police are now the guarantors of our civilisation, deciding who to punish and who to protect, deeming some worthy and others not. Laws are invented, regulating social interaction, laws designed to destroy society, creating a social reality of consumption, conflict and violence. Sexual affection, family bonds, deep and meaningful friendships are twisted and broken, creating relationships that are merely relationships of mutual consumption, ever strengthening the apparatus of domination.
A united structured society, rich in culture and the capacity to live together, choosing goals and apirations together, using resources together, is the enemy of the State, and has been the bottom line target of all the wars of the past three hundred years, from the destruction of the political autonomy of Catalonia in 1714, onwards.
Conscription, armed conflict, world wars are all ploys used by the bureaucracy in its real war - the war on you.
The Imperative of Power demands that the military bureaucratic complex continues to expand its control, till it destroys all independent life on this planet.
Having wreaked its destruction, physically, mentally and morally, having left us cold and hungry in the desert it has created, the State comes to us, our Saviour.

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