Wednesday 8 January 2014

Expansion Of State Power

Mary Malone writes:
In the past couple of decades throughout Europe, we have seen a huge expansion of state power at the expense of autonomous authority. In this country we see the bureaucratization of everyday life in the growth of such things as health and safety regulations, Children's Acts that give social workers power to remove our children at  their whim, using secret court proceedings, the farcical criminal records checks that prevent spontaneous acts of kindness and which made David Cameron's 'Big Society' a non starter, the supervision of children in what used to be their playing out time, the Child Support Agency and the benefits system that gives a woman every incentive to realise her grievances, and ditch her husband. Now, a third of English children live without their fathers, indeed they are more likely to have a television in their bedroom than a father in the house. So they learn their values and their priorities from received culture handed down by Power, rather than from their own parents, as is natural.
Such destruction of social life, destruction of the autonomous society that humans have enjoyed since time immemorial, where problems are resolved between people without interference, is the aim of the military bureaucratic complex, a sort of social War on Terror that sows discord and suspicion and fear amongst the population.
The State Feminist agenda is very much part of this social War on Terror, this campaign to destroy society and bring the State into the centre of people's daily lives.
Campaigns and prosecutions under such laws as the Spanish Law of Gender Violence, the ever widening categories of abuse - emotional abuse of the weak and helpless female at the hands of the all powerful male - an ever expanding definition of rape - of not using a condom in Sweden, for example- have only one aim, to sow social terror amongst the population, to make them cry out for Big Mother government.
In an effort to expand the instruments of state violence, denunciations are encouraged. In this way hundreds of thousands of women come into daily contact with the apparatus of repression, continual visits to police stations and social services establishing relations of dependency. Women are encouraged to identify with these institutions. Women are welcomed with sympathy and intimacy and encouraged in their grievances. The apparatus of repression recruits these women, turns them into collaborators and informers. They are indoctrinated into the ideology of the new fascism, one based, again, on the exaltation of the institutions of the State, and on the self-pity and the sense of victimhood and the irrational hatred of the 'aggressor', which now takes shape in the abhorrence of men, but which can be easily substituted by any other social group - bankers, Gypsies, Jews, Christians, - whoever.

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