Thursday 9 January 2014

Self - Loathing Feminists

Mary Malone writes:
Sexism is at the heart of the campaigns against men that are unleashed by the collaborators of the neo-Patriarchal State. Like the Fascists of an earlier era, they profess a crude biological determinism, making out that men are innately violent and aggressive and that women are born victims. This same Progressive Fascism is seen in the orthodoxy surrounding homosexual rights. Whereas 50 years ago it was assumed by pretty much everyone that homosexuality was a lifestyle choice, today it is 'offensive' to say as much. It seems that homosexuals are innately homosexual and that men are innately wife beaters, and women are innately victims.
One the mantle of perennial victim has been donned there is nothing to do, but stew in the hatred of men and disgust for oneself.
It is the same biological determinism that was once used to categorise Africans and Jews and the working class, and no doubt will be used against them once more in the not too distant future.
State Feminist sexism is the same sort of ideology as the racism of the Nazis, which is essentially biological. The Nazis used anti-Jewish sentiment to build its mass base, by inciting irrational hatred, and feeding fanatical emotionalism. The prejudice of man-phobia is used by Power in the same way. The habits and conduct that are created by incessant propaganda and the so-called laws of positive discrimination are leading to a rebirth of the philosophy and organisation of fascism, this time with a smiley feminine face.
A lot of Vichy Feminists like to claim a certain radicalism, that they are sweeping away the injustices of millennia, but actions based on hate and biological prejudice can only result  in fascism. A notorious example of this is SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto which is just a fascist rant, yet, couched in more moderate language, this prejudice about what men supposedly are, innately, biologically, is at the heart of the laws against working class men throughout Europe.
The laws introduced with the blessing of the Vichy Feminists are deeply worrying on account of the police repression introduced into every aspect of our personal lives, but even more worrying on account of the transformation of ideas, personal conduct and cultural norms, breaking the ties that have historically joined women and men.
This transformation is not something that has occurred from below, through the social mechanisms of horizontal autonomous society, but is imposed upon us by the vertical power structures of Hierarchy. State Feminism defines all relations between the sexes in its own Patriarchal image - as relations of power and domination - making out that since time immemorial men have abused women, and made use of aggression against women to occupy a privileged position in society.
Inventing an imaginary historical Narrative, the Vichy Feminists maintain that male  violence towards women is structural - that women are the victims of violence simply because they are women and for no other reason. Power and domination is all they see, turning even the holy act of love into sordid rape.
Men are presented as women's oppressors only when they have emotional and sexual ties with women. And if the men work independently of the bureaucracy, or if they are working class men, manual workers who have no place in the hierarchy except under it, these men are assumed to be violent. They are treated as savages, in the same way as Red Indians, Africans and other aborigines were treated prior to their extermination.
Bureaucratic men, on the other hand, are assumed to enlightened. They know what is and what is not heretical, what they must and must not say and do.
Men are not presented as oppressors when they are government officials, policemen, judges, businessmen, journalists or other men of power. Strangely, it is men who have no power within the system that according to the Narrative, have an almost demonic  power over women.
These laws and campaigns promoted by the Vichy Feminists are wars against the autonomy of working class life, campaigns against the natural institutions of social life, dividing us and ruling us by claiming that one half of us is inherently evil, oppressing the other half of us, which is inherently weak and abused.

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