Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Left Is The New Far Right

In the not so distant past the Left, in political terms, meant a socialism based on working class power. Obviously this did not always work out in practise, but at least in theory, the Left represented the working class, those who worked manually, not the management nor the owners.
Nowadays the term 'Left' has been expropriated by the management classes to describe their deranged power-crazed attempts at social engineering. Whatever they decide is correct behaviour today is counted as Left or Progressive. In reality it is not the form of social engineering that matters, but the fact of social engineering that matters - that is the exercise of power.
What counts for the Left is the exercise of hierarchical power. It has no intention of sharing that power with its victims, the workers. To maintain its power it casts around for an endless array of scapegoats and bogeymen. There are endless campaigns against the enemy within. Witch hunts, the running down of those who cannot maintain ideological purity is the order of the day.
Despair, blame and hate, fear and anxiety, darkness everywhere.
The Green Party, as mentioned before, are less interested in subsidised solar panels, than blaming the One Per Cent, who apparently rule the world. They talk of corrupt bankers, of Tories, of Thatcher, with a hiss and a hate, these alleged enemies of their bureaucratic distopia. For you see, if debt and poverty stalks the land, if the health service is sick, it is the fault of the evil one per cent. Nobody, but nobody, mentions the doubling of the bureaucracy in the past fifteen years and that the poor must pay for it through debt and taxes.
To the Far Right new Leftist the people can only be passive victims. The people are not dynamic, constructive, resourceful. For them the people are the Indignant, the baying mob, a hate filled rabble wearing Guy Fawkes masks. This scum is not the people, just a bunch of self-pitying losers angry at their own passivity, lashing out to destroy their toys like petulant children.
Real socialists and real anarchists build cooperatives, friendly societies, social organisations of self help and mutual aid.
The bureaucratic hate of the overseer class is a million miles away from peasant and proletarian solidarity. The new Left wants to destroy social solidarity and micro manage your life.
The hierarchy and the hate, the totalitarian micro managing of thought and deed used to go by the name of Fascism, a movement of the Far Right.

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