Wednesday 3 December 2014

Is the Green Party just a tad Nazi?

The Green Party is full of good people, righteous people, moral people, victims who like to hate. Behind the caring façade there is plenty of bile. Some might say their whole agenda is one of life-denial, a gob in the face of every life loving person on the planet. But, perhaps they are just a little bit more aware than the rest of us, and want to save the world we live in. Perhaps.
The Guardian newspaper notes that the Greens have doubled their membership since January. It appears that they have risen to replace the Liberal Democrats, and to be honest, I see little difference in the two parties, or their supporters.
Natalie Bennett, the leader of the Greens in England and Wales says, 'There are many former Labour and LibDem members who are fed up with parties that are happy to see society continue to be run for the benefit of the one per cent and the continued trashing of our natural environment........Some are former Tories horrified by the government's fracking fantasy or worried by its failure to tackle our fraud-ridden, corrupt, reckless financial sector.'
So there we have the basis of the Greens' appeal. The 1 per cent. The socialism of fools, the conspiracy theory, the secret cabal ruling the world - the fraud-ridden, corrupt, reckless financial sector!
We are the victims, they say, wallowing in self-pity, of a small minority running society for its own benefit, at our expense - corrupt, fraudulent, financial.
Who can they be, these spectres of doom, who come to suck our blood while we sleep? What can we do? Seek them out, destroy them and then............

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