Wednesday 17 December 2014

Aye, We Were 'Appy Then

The Seventies, a decade on trial. If you listen to the indoctrinated youngsters of today we lived in a jungle of wife-beaters, paedophiles, racists, homophobes, and goodness knows what other snakes. The jungle is being cleared, and police posted along the highway, so the darlings need not fear the savage tribes.
Those happy grinning savages of the 1970s look so 'appy in the old films. They were not to know that more serious times were around the corner. Who could have predicted the bitter, swearing twenty-first century? Back then was the golden age of the English working class - inside toilets, double glazing, colour TV, central heating, and foreign holidays! Not all of it for everyone, mind, but enough. And jobs there were a plenty.
 Going round the supermarket today Christmas songs were playing in the background - Boney M, Paul McCartney, Shakin' Stevens, Elton John, John Lennon, Mud, Jona Lewie - music forty years old or more.
It's not like all the customers were alive then. And its the same the rest of the year. Music in public is dominated by the 1970s. Wherever you go you hear the music of that hairy grinning decade when the gap between rich and poor was less than ever before or since. Deference to position and wealth was fast disappearing. Amidst the chaos there was hope. Nowadays there is just resentment, fear, and blame.
Back then lads and lasses, we were 'appy, aye! All that inappropriate touching never did us any harm.

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