Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Descent to Man - by Mary Malone

The natural economy of womankind is the gift economy. It is natural to give the fruits of your activity. To give is an affirmation of life.
The women's economy is the economy of trust, not fear.
Although rapidly declining, there are still many examples of the gift economy in everyday life, despite the best efforts of patriarchy to control, quantify, monitor, regulate, and tax the gift economy.
It is the exchange of gifts that is the cement of social life, gifts of time, effort and goods. So when every action is a deal rather than a gift, society descends into a collection of warring individuals.
The most obvious example of the gift economy is traditional women’s work. This is the most important work of all.
Society can exist in large measure without men. They can go and kill themselves in wars. But it cannot do without women, and the work they do in the home, in the garden, the kitchen and the nursery, sewing, mending, growing, nurturing, tending to the sick and the old.
In recent decades women’s work has been absorbed into the patriarchal economy. Some may claim that women have been liberated by this expropriation of their power, freed from  tiring and thankless giving. This is no doubt true, but women have lost their independence. Instead of being mistresses of their domain, they now work for the boss.
Instead of men working for women, as is right and proper, women work for men.  
Women have lost their purpose.
They have descended to the level of men.
Until recently, women have been largely protected from the unclean world of reward and punishment, of buy and sell, of the humiliation of working under orders.
But not now.
Even our young are taken from us. Once we were free to look after our young, by feeding them, clothing them, giving them vast amounts of our time and effort.
But increasingly childcare is a matter for professionals, by definition people without love, people who are not ‘amateurs’,(that is ‘lovers’),  but collaborators with the patriarchy, quislings who presume to educate our children in so called schools, who denigrate Woman and exalt the male power structure.
These days our children belong to the patriarchy first, and to us as an afterthought, on sufferance.
Through school and a bombardment of propaganda our girls are taught to despise themselves and  control is maintained, exchange is advanced, expropriated power is enhanced, the gift economy is destroyed, our gladness is gone and the whole meaning of being a woman is lost.      

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