Sunday 24 February 2013

Power and Social Class

Most people see social class as a matter of rich and poor. The upper class are rich and the lower class is poor. This correlation between wealth and class is more apparent than real.
It is power that defines class.
The Queen is rich because she is Queen. She isn't Queen because she is rich.
The ruling class have wealth, and the wealth is a result of its power.
Nowadays we have a political class who rule us. Following them we have the totalitarian class of bureaucrats and managers with their rules and regulations and self serving morality. Finally there are the people like us, people who have no power over anybody.
Working class people are not defined by poverty. They may earn more than a teacher or lower manager, but they have no power, so they are still working class, while the teacher and the lower manager are middle class (or overseer class), because they control the expropriated power of other  people.
A person with petty power favours his own kind, people who know better than us. They talk the talk, read the same anti Semitic newspapers, worship their own reflection, think should and shouldn’t, preach their own prejudice as virtue. They support Progressive movements like New Labour and the Nazis and the Fascists and the Bolsheviks. They love the psychologist, the doctor, the teacher.
They like to punish.
The working class person is told what to do all their lives. A working class child is taught regimentation, conformity, passivity. And if he doesn’t fit in to the system he is disciplined, medicalized, destroyed. When he grows up he has a boss. He gets to know the authority of the lawyer, the policeman, the doctor. He turns on his television to hear the voice of the expert. He is brought up to live and to die in passivity, to know his place, to do as he is told, to doubt himself, to see himself as inadequate, ignorant, that his experiences have no value, that his music is popular, that his books are pulp, that culture, knowledge and God all belong to the powerful.
It is power, not wealth, that differentiates us. The ruling class are the robber barons of today; the overseer class are the collaborators, teacher types, police of various assortments who keep us in check, and the lower orders get by as best they can.    

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