Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Centralization of Violence

Mary Malone, the well known political, social and religious theorist has kindly agreed to write an occasional guest post for your humble peasant. Here is an excerpt from her book ‘Men and Matriarchy.’

“One of the consequences of the rise of  patriarchal society is the centralization of power by Authority, through the hierarchical distribution of resources, achieved mainly by the invention of property rights and the introduction of a money economy through taxation, which is used to pay for armies of violent men under central control.
Thus we find that the most advanced partiarchal states are also the most violent, possessing weapons so extreme they can destroy the face of the earth.
In less advanced societies, in terms of capitalist development and capital accumulation, violence is yet to be centralized to such an extent. And so, for instance, in the relatively less developed countries of the Middle East violence is often carried out by individuals or families or tribes without the sanction of the state. As long as matters don’t get out of hand the state does not intervene.
In the advanced West violence has been increasingly centralized over many centuries. Any perceived injustice must be reported to the Authority. Any autonomous violence, carried out without state sanction is strictly prohibited.
Violence is garnered by the state and harnessed to inflict damage on dissidents and foreign states. If the violence is not used by the state, violence and power may return to the individual.
Thus it is true to state that war is the health of the state, and that every government’s true enemy is its own people.
The consequences for the individual in an advanced patriarchal society are psychological dysfunction and passivity.
A noticeable result of this passivity is that the more advanced capitalist societies suffer from a falling birth rate and a catastrophically low sperm count amongst their male population.”

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