Thursday 7 February 2013


The saddest aspect of the whole Gay Marriage malarky is the death of a once radical movement. In the old days the word 'straight' meant boring, conformist, moralist, establishment loving, inhibited, and 'gay' was meant to be joyous, unrestrained, amoral.
But now the Gay movement has been co-opted into the power structure it once sought to overthrow.
Gone are the gay orgies, the cruising, the flamboyancy, the challenge, the walk on the wild side, the defiance of free love.
Now, the word 'gay' is used to mean crass, shabby, bogus, kitsch, cheap.
Gone too is the political lesbianism of the1980s, whose participants refused to engage in relationships with men on the terms laid down by patriarchy.
In those days being gay was a lifestyle choice, not a matter of dull biological imperative. Being gay meant choosing freedom.
Now homosexuals just want acknowledgement of their place in the rainbow of victims. They don't want people to be horrid to them. They want to be loved by Big Mother.
They are weary.
They want to be normal, poor loves!

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