Sunday 10 February 2013

Each Man Kills The Thing He Loves

This an excerpt from an Oscar Wilde poem; it is used extensively in Fassbinder’s marvellous film Querelle,  based on the novel by Jean Genet.

Yet each man kills the thing he loves
by each let this be heard,
some do it with a bitter look,
some with a flattering word,
the coward does it with a kiss,
the brave man with a sword!
Some kill their love when they are young,
and some when they are old;
some strangle with the hands of lust,
some with the hands of gold:
the kindest use a knife, because
the dead so soon grow cold.
Some love too little, some too long,
some sell, and others buy;
some do the deed with many tears,
and some without a sigh:
for each man kills the thing he loves,

A little while ago I read a commentator who stated that the Germans killed the Jews because they loved them! Because the Jews had a covenant with the Living God, and they, the Germans, were moribund, the Germans hated, yet loved and envied the Jews at the same time. They sensed what they had lost and what the Jews still had.
Germany, in the later nineteenth century and the early twentieth century was the most advanced and Progressive state in Europe.
The modern education system originated in Germany. The modern welfare state originated in Germany. The military bureaucratic complex had progressed further in Germany than anywhere else.
The hierarchical Fuhrerprinzip, so beloved of the bureaucracy, had become the receptacle of the love and emotion of the obedient classes.
Knowing that they had traded their freedom for slavery, they loathed themselves, and they hated those who remained free.

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