Tuesday 12 February 2013

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent.
Metaphorically, at least, we cover ourselves with the ashes of mourning.
For forty days we can happily indulge in introspection, retrospection, regret, and repentance. We can purge ourselves of our sin, and turn our faces to God.
In the wasteland of late winter there is nothing better than a good bit of contemplation.
After all, there isn’t much else to do till Spring comes around.
But here in Post Society England, there is no fasting, and no feasting either, just all year round gluttony.
It is wasteland all year round.
There are no festivals, nothing that strikes at the heart of the ordinary person’s life, just arbitrary Annual Regulated Fun Days.
There is no rhythm to a regulated and regimented existence.
Even the day of rest has been abolished.
Every day is equal.
In a world of no meaning all that is left is appetite.
Moses spent forty days and forty nights with God, but when he came down the mountain he found the Hebrews worshipping the Golden Calf.
The people had given themselves over to the senseless hedonism of slavery, the irresponsibility of servitude, the animalism of self worship, the freedom of crime, the indulgence of self righteousness.  

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