Thursday 5 September 2013

Loss Of Independence

Mary Malone writes:
As capitalism develops in countries like China, India, Mexico and so on, women are raped and murdered in increasing numbers. As they are dragged out of the gift economy of autonomous society, women are faced with the violence of hierarchy. If not enslaved by bureaucratic command, they must barter their freedom for a handful of coins simply to survive.
Instead of a husband, a man who will sacrifice himself for her and her children, she must deal with a boss. In the factories of the third world, in the slums of the cities where the dispossessed flock, women are beaten, raped and killed.
Since the French Revolution men have been brutalized by conscription, first in the military, then in the hierarchy of waged labour. In ever increasing numbers women are brutalized too.
Love is no longer a gift to bestow, a holy ceremony of man and woman, but a conquest, or an exchange.
With the death of traditional society women are separated from their families and their villages. They are waged, humiliated, subjugated. They have bosses. Like men, they are degraded as the society of expropriation intensifies.
Vichy Feminism, the Feminism of the State, praises this development. Such Feminists want to see women at war with men. Divided by gender the People are easy to rule.
The degradation of the many is the price to be paid for the ego trips of the degraded few, who glory in their positions of power in politics and business. Others get their kicks as guards, teachers, social workers, police.
Far from being liberated, women's power has been expropriated by the FeminoFascists. In their powerlessness they have become a Human Resource, an Object, a Thing, prettified appetized, ready to be consumed, complicit in their own rape, heading only towards isolation, despair, madness and death.

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