Wednesday 25 September 2013

Living On Welfare

Those who live on welfare get a bad press, but why refuse a free lunch? Of course, some do, preferring to work for their money rather than sink into helpless dependency.
But there are many out there who have worked for maybe thirty years or more, and just need a break from full time work. So why not work the system, when the system has been working you all your life?
Those who are sufficiently institutionalised, careerists, those with a vocation, those who enjoy sadistic power over others, are perfectly happy with the degradation of waged and salaried work, but for the vast majority a job is a job, a means to an end - money - and nothing more.
A job usually means stultifying boredom, monotony, repetition. A job means being too tired to do anything productive. A job means settling down to the easy option of bland consumption.
A job means deprivation, depression, a zombie existence, working just to kill yourself in parties, holidays, watching the screen.
Why not settle for a life on welfare and have the time, the space, the energy to be creative. Why not bake, paint, sew, write, paint, dig the allotment, walk the hills, play chess, badminton and squash, swim, dance and learn calligraphy?
Why not have the time and the energy to sit down at life's table and eat a banquet rather than take a plastic wrapped snack heat it up and consume it in front of the telly?

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