Monday 2 September 2013

Bombing Again

People in government in the United Kingdom such as Hague and Cameron, seem very keen to order, once again, the deaths of very many peaceful and innocent people to further their foreign policy objectives.
Only last week these criminals, along with their hirelings in the Vichy press, were eager to have people in Syria meet horrible deaths, suffer unimaginable agony, injury, bereavement, to further their aims.
On the BBC I heard one commentator explain that the use of sarin gas was by the Syrian government, that although it was insane of them to use it, as they are winning, and it was while weapons inspectors were in town, it was all a cunning game of double bluff by the evil dictator. Yes, really.
A newspaper explained that it was all the doing of the dictator's crazed one legged brother. I doubt it. Surely it was the youngest brother what done it, the one with the hunchback.
The United Kingdom, like some of its allies, are big on selling weapons, big on the military, big on the glorification of violence. Like back street thugs our political elites believe problems can be sorted by violence. A handful of NATO countries have elites that behave with such barbarism. In the rest of the world barbarism and uniforms are fast going out of fashion. Only certain NATO countries commit war crimes on a regular basis, bombing other countries, killing and maiming the innocent, using murder as an instrument of policy.
Throughout the world these criminals are regarded with revulsion. Civilised countries only do business with them under duress. It is trade that is leading to growing wealth throughout much of the world, yet these savages, the leaders of the world's most powerful military bureaucratic complexes sow death and destruction.
These cowards, who drop their terrorist bombs from far away safety, deserve the fate of Saddam. Indeed they are lesser men than Saddam. At least Saddam had courage.

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