Tuesday 24 September 2013

Homosexuals Used As Political Pawns

The Political Class loves to create labels, to divide and rule, to pitch us one against the other, by categorising us, limiting our humanity to racial, ethnic, religious and gender profiles. Now we are even questioned and profiled according to our most intimate, and formerly private, erotic and romantic inclinations.
Having labelled us all, we are then placed into two camps, abusers and victims. The only way for a 'white' 'male' to become a victim and enjoy special rights is to be 'gay'.
In such fashion the State becomes the judge and jury of our daily lives. The arm of Authority is seen refereeing every human relationship.
Most of the world, for obvious reasons, does not want to live in our nightmare. However, those wishes mean nothing to the Western Political Class, who having rejected Christianity as a religion that leads to too much autonomous action, has turned to Human Rights as its preferred weapon of moral superiority.
One recent addition to Human Rights has been Gay Rights, the propagation of homosexuality as equal to heterosexuality, and gay marriage as being equal to normal marriage.
Gay Rights are rejected in Africa, Russia, China, India, Greece, the Arab countries, in fact everywhere where the population is not atomized, isolated and micro managed by Power.
The problem is that whereas homosexuals were at one time variously ridiculed and tolerated, now they are seen as missionaries and collaborators with Western Power, the Bombers and the Bummers united.
Societies that wish to protect themselves from Western style meltdown are increasingly persecuting homosexuals. At one time people could quietly and discreetly give rein to their homosexual inclinations, but Western Power is now forcing people out of the closet into the full glare of public judgement.
 Homosexuals are being labelled by the State whether they like it or not. No longer can a person be seen as an accountant or a musician or a priest. They are categorised as the Gay accountant, the Gay musician, the Gay priest. How sad!
Homosexuals are being set up by the State whether they like it or not (Stonewall is funded by the government).
To some extent, homosexuality, like adultery and prostitution, indeed all sexual activity outside marriage, strikes at the heart of the family and society - autonomous families and societies that have been set up for the protection of children and women.
Toleration is one thing, approval is quite another.
It is to be hoped that the Rest, when faced with the cultural imperialism of the West, seek to oppose Homosexualism while retaining their traditional toleration of those who do not conform. Homosexuals are not the problem - Western Power is the problem.

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