Monday, 16 November 2015

Hooray for Religious Bigots

The other day I was given a religious leaflet which I actually read. Amongst many other things it mentioned homosexuality as a sin. I didn't know that it was still legal to express such a view. No doubt, before long, it will have been declared illegal by the heresy hunters. I was surprised, but also delighted too. How lovely, I thought, that someone still regards certain sorts of fun as being naughty.
For surely being naughty was a large point of dressing up as a member of the opposite or indulging in same sex love.
How can a Gay be gay if everything is permitted, and whatever you do there is no escape from dull conformity?
Its no longer possible to say that certain behaviours are undesirable. We must approve of everything.
People who have a moral code of any sort, not just sexual, are regarded as dinosaurs at best.
Yet a society defines itself by its ethics.
What the politically correct establishment is trying to do is to wipe out society. This is quite evident in Ireland and Scotland, and increasingly so in England. Although it is illegal to insult Islam, it is almost obligatory to insult Christianity, thus using the one to demolish the other.
The question is whether Islam will adapt itself to its totalitarian Saudi model and become the religion of the State, or whether, once the Christians are destroyed, it too will be abolished. My guess is the latter, as even totalitarian Islam has concepts of family and loyalties beyond the State.
A society without its own ethic, that believes that the ethics of other societies have equal validity is a dead society.
In such a society such people have no freedom. Every inch is colonized - food, drink, thought, speech, security guards, cameras, commissars, random trials, no presumption of innocence.
There is only one law - to obey.
Hooray for religious bigots! Hooray for people with their own point of view!

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Feminism and Feminazism

What is the difference between Feminism and Feminazism?
Often we hear people claiming to be against feminism whereas they are in fact against feminazism.
I think of myself as a feminist. Why? I am a little sceptical about the alleged pay gap for one thing, and I believe that many, if not most women, are happier in a traditional family structure. Yet still I believe myself to be a Feminist.
A Feminist believes that in capitalist bureaucratic statist society a woman's contribution is devalued and that she is kept in tutelage to men. Her role is to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, a passive victim. Feminists believe that this must change.
Feminazis, on the other hand, believe that this must continue, that a woman must continue to be meek, obedient, submissive, pleasing and unagressive, and continue in tutelage, not to men, but to the State.
More specifically still, a Feminazi wishes to maintain the existing structures of Patriarchy through an ideology of biological determinism. If identity politics is the hallmark of Fascism, then biological determinism is the very foundation of Nazism.
Feminazis will tell you that men are more agressive, or more violent than women, and that this is due to something in their DNA or some chemical such as testosterone.
Apparently African American men have more testosterone than European American men.
So what conclusion are we to draw?

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Seeds Of Dictatorship

Yesterday, when discussing a news item in a language class, I was told that I was talking rubbish. This is the second time this year that an ignoramus has insulted me in this way. I have also been told that I am prejudiced. Unfortunately such ignorance still shocks me and angers me, but I am having to get used to it. Usually, in each group there is at least one self appointed bigot who loudly proclaims the orthodoxy and who insults dissidents. And usually, when pressed to say why such an opinion is rubbish they refuse to do so. In this instance the young fanatic replied, after showing initial unwillingness. Apparently scientific research shows that men are more aggressive and violent than women. I replied that this was simply gender racism. The next step is claiming that the races are biologically different. Perhaps the Chinese have a cunning gene etc. etc.
He went on to tell me that poor people were more likely to be criminals, and poor men abusers of  women and children. Class racism as well as gender racism!
And then we heard how backward peoples were more likely to be abusers than people in an advanced country like we are, here and now. Gosh, I thought, pure racism!
He went on to call for more social workers to 'help' the poor, which another young person endorsed fully.
I tried to explain that this would only lead to a police state. They seemed not to be concerned about the State monitoring our private lives, nor that alleged abusers should be presumed guilty.
And saddest of all the older people were either quietly supportive, or at least silent.
Do people really support the insanity of the orthodox ideology? Clearly some university indoctrinated idiots do. But the older people, can they not remember happier freer times? Do they too now believe the fantasy world of phantoms and witches? Or are they too scared to disagree.?
My humble opinion is that they lost the capacity for critical thought long ago. Not only do they take their cue from the media as to what they think, but what they should think about. Do they ever get tired off  transgender folk and autistic spectrum disorders?
Meanwhile Rome burns.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Eichmann's Children

It was murder in triplicate
It was murder most humane
Gypsies, Jews, criminals, the lame
Gays, communists, the insane
From those who were higher than he
He had his orders to obey
Commanded by Hierarchy
He did his best, proud to say

Satan's saint of the modern age
No passion, no violence, no rage
On progressive lines he did proceed

Servants of the cancerous State
His children decide our fate
Moral, blameless, they do as decreed

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Pseudo-Left Is Far Right

I've been talking to some Pseudo-Lefties recently and I never cease to be shocked by their ignorance, arrogance, rudeness and downright stupidity.
It's as if the word 'Bigot' were specifically coined for them.
There seems to be a general acceptance that Identity Politics is somehow left-wing, to be associated with Socialism. The Pseudo-Lefties, such as their current hero Jeremy Goebbels, are in fact on the far right.
Fascist ideology wants us to believe that we all belong to different corporations or identities. For instance, an American black man in jail has more in common with Obama than he has with an American white man in jail. It is absurd, of course, but obvious reality is what those in power want to hide.
The Fascist  State bundles these different groups together, and together they are strong, against the enemy.
Because Hierarchy and State are, for the Fascist, the natural order of things, as it is for our Pseudo-Lefties, inevitably there is the need for the Other, the Scapegoat.
I am sure Jeremy Goebbels is sincere when he says he is not an anti-Semite. I am sure that he believes it to be true. Nevertheless, from an objective point of view, he most certainly is a racist, because his world view is that of the conspiracy theorist, where 'Zionists' control this that and the other. There is no other explanation for the Pseudo-Left obsession with Israel.
If they were not racists they would be boycotting the United Kingdom. Surely the U.K. has killed more Arabs than Israel has ever done. They could boycott the U.K by refusing to pay their taxes. When they start boycotting the big players, instead of one small group, then I will accept that they are not racist.
So, Pseudo-Left ideology is in essence Fascism.
Socialism, on the other hand, is based on class, not so much income, but our place within the hierarchical power structure. At heart all people are equal. We are only divided by our place in the structure of dominance.
Pseudo-Leftism wishes to integrate previously excluded groups into the power structure, women in particular, whereas Socialists wish to destroy that power structure.
Fascism, or Political Correctness, as it know these days, wishes to keep us apart.
Jeremy Goebbels is occasionally called a Socialist, but usually he is described as 'Left'. That is mainly because if he were described as a Socialist, it would soon become clear that he is not.
He intends to put one or two industries under the control of the Capitalist State, and what else?
There will be more bosses, less freedom, and blood will flow.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Jeremy's Friends

                                                Jeremy's Friends

Started out a NUPE official, full-time
Civil service management union, doing fine
Councillor in the Borough of Haringey
Bernie Grant and friends making hay

Friends with murderers McGuinness and Adams
IRA. killers, snivelling cowards
And Diane Abbott, racist PC tool
'White people like to divide and rule'

Europe's bureaucratic Pseudo-Left
Podemos, Syriza, conspiracy, daft
Pony tails, motorbikes, they think they're cool
Theirs the old lie, the socialism of fools

United by hatred of the Jews
Eno, BDS, Livingstone too
Hamas, Iran, Hizbollah
George Galloway, Raed Salah

Jeremy, hero of bourgeois spite
Leading us into the fascist night
Killers, haters, the conspiracy he keeps,
There's a name for men like Jeremy.........................

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Am I the image of a monkey?
Am I a creature of flesh and blood?
Or is reality the image of Heaven
And I the image of the Lord above?

Where does my righteousness come from?
From spite, appetite, a fearful mind?
Or does the image know love and justice
Forgiveness, mercy, Justice Divine?

Am I simply a machine that consumes
That grabs and feeds the glorious 'I'?
Or must the image create and play, and
Giving freely, proclaim Love Divine?

Am I a slave who bows to Power?
Who cringes before both Idols and Man?
Or do I live in blessed freedom
Obedient to God's Holy Lamb?

Do I flee life, seek only darkness?
The resentful self who worships the Lie?
Or do I seek light in life Eternal
The Image, one with the Creator Divine?

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Murder Is Their Righteous Policy

Today we learn that the coalition of the bombers have killed dozens of ordinary people in airstrikes in Syria. Over the past twenty years the Royal Air Force have murdered, maimed, and burned tens of thousands of ordinary people in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria - that is, old and young, frail and healthy, male and female, ordinary people like you and me, have suffered and died, burned and tortured, so our representatives may play their power games. Overwhelmingly, the politicians of the Conservative Party and the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrat Party have supported this butchery as they set up their Welfare/Warfare Police State.
Sadder still, the Church is largely silent.
Even sadder still, the Archbishop of Vichy, Justin Welby, supports this butchery, doing Caesar's work, the Devil's work rather than Christ's.
No doubt he will tell us that the deaths of these innocents is a price that he and his masters are prepared to pay.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Northern Ireland: Refusing To Redefine Uranus

The Northern Ireland Assembly has voted yet again to reject a proposal for Gay Marriage, defying the efforts of the UK Government, the European Union, the United Nations and, no doubt, the Illuminati and Martians too, to change the way mankind experiences sexuality.
Since time immemorial man and women have had a set of genitalia each, which when joined together quite possibly produce a child. In this way the human race is continued in a pleasant, friendly and enjoyable way. We are aware of sexual pleasure, much as we are aware of the pleasure of eating food. Eating and fecundating go beyond the urges of instinctive necessity and into the realms of pleasure.
But other parts of the body, although sensitive, are not genital. The anus, the mouth, and the hand are used in sexual and erotic touching, but they are not genitalia.
Our forefathers knew perfectly well where to draw the line. Anal sex, oral sex and masturbation were regarded as perversions.
So are you feeling a bit indignant, a bit offended, a bit pervy even. Well, so you should. There are not many of us who are fit to cast the first stone at our gay brothers and sisters.
But to confess that a lot of us like something a bit naughty does not make that naughtiness right and proper.
There are two main consequences of defining the back passage and the mouth as sexual organs.
Firstly, sexual activity becomes yet another dreary commodity, a spiral of ever decreasing thrills, as it becomes divorced from its primary function of producing children, and its cerimonial unity of man and woman.
Secondly, by rendering sexual activity as primarily a subjective source of pleasures, and expanding the genital areas to the anus and the mouth, we are leaving our daughters wide open to abuse. Young girls are taught in schools that to be sodomised is to be expected, that Women's Liberation means that they should be satisfied with no dignity, but that of a sexual object complete with multiple spunk filling orifices.
This cannot be right!
It is good that men should love men, and that women should love women, and that men should love women and that women should love men.
But let's put an end to this cult of sodomy. Private matters are private, but pornography that portrays oral sex and anal sex should be banned, and whereas civil unions of people of the same gender should be welcomed, let us leave marriage as it always has been, the sacred ceremony that unites woman and man.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Inoffensive Democracy

I attended the 'hustings' in the Parish Church yesterday afternoon. The five candidates sat and did not stand, behind a table before us. There was the current Member of Parliament, a Conservative, one of the 513 guilty men, a young Labour student careerist, a nice but clueless Liberal young man, a Ukip guy, a small businessman, and a Green tax inspector, who was as certain as any Jehovah's Witness that the end is high, and that the only answer is, of course, more taxation and more regulation.
But the strangest thing about the hustings was that neither barracking, nor asking questions was allowed. All ten questions were decided by who knows what power, but certainly not by us. So we had polite discourse on immigration, the deficit, and the development of the town centre.
But the burning issues of the day - those that get people hot under the collar - nothing, zilch.
The Green woman tried to raise global warming, Trident, and the bombing of Libya and the Ukip guy tried to raise the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
There were no questions concerning Equal Marriage, nuclear power, Scottish independence, our membership of the European Union. Nobody expressed an opinion on abortion or child sex education.
Nobody expressed an opinion about press censorship or the end of free speech.
Because, of course, free speech is dead.
Five years ago, at the hustings, people asked questions from the floor. I remember, a lady, a social worker asking about children's services. I didn't share her slant, but it was her thing, her passion.
But this free expression is no longer allowed.
Such is the fear that someone may say something Offensive, that the police may be involved, that all passion, all opinion, all controversy must be prevented.
And so we are silenced.
We got a vague idea about the candidates' competence and their commitment to the locality, but that was it.
Democracy or no, when debate is silenced we live in a Tyranny.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

They Loved Problems And Hated Solutions

G.K. Chesterton again. Amazingly, what is happening now was happening a hundred years ago.

'It may be said of Socialism, therefore, very briefly, that its friends recommend it as increasing equality, while its foes resist it as decreasing liberty. On the one hand it was said that the State could provide homes and meals for all, on the other it was answered that this could only be done by State Officials who would inspect homes and regulate meals. The compromise eventually made was one of the most interesting and even curious cases in history .
It was decided to do everything that had ever been denounced in Socialism, and nothing that had ever been desired in it.
Since it was supported to gain equality at the sacrifice of liberty , we proceeded to prove that it was possible to sacrifice liberty without gaining equality. Indeed there was not the faintest attempt to gain equality, least of all economic equality. But there was a very spirited and vigorous effort to eliminate liberty by means of an entirely new group of crude regulations and interferences.
But it was not the Socialist State regulating those whom it fed, like children, or even like convicts. It was the Capitalist State raiding those whom it had trampled on and deserted in every sort of den, like outlaws or broken men. It occurred to the wiser sociologists that, after all, it would be easier to proceed more promptly to the main business of bullying men, without having gone through the laborious preliminary business of supporting them. After all, it was easy to inspect the house without having helped build it; it was even possible, with luck, to prevent it being built.
.........the people of this age loved problems and hated solutions. It was easy to restrict the diet without providing the dinner.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

They'd Be Out Of Business If It Weren't True

What a relief! All those caring animal lovers at the RSPCA will be able to keep their jobs and keep the money rolling in from the gullible public. Guess what? You'd never believe it! There has been a shocking rise in animal abuse! Yes, that funny scruffy looking geezer is not just a child abuser, but an animal abuse too!
And the Earth's temperature is going to rise by 6% in the next century, so there are plenty more non job sinecures to go round there too.
And while we're at it, there are more children in state care than ever before - the children of obese parents. My gosh, those oiks are so vulgar!
And Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat Leader wants the wages of public bureaucrats to be protected against inflation. Lucky them.
It's a grand world for the parasites as the ship sinks under the weight of their debt. Zero hours contracts, unaffordable housing, women working, having abortions, cheap labour swamping the land, productivity ever lower - not the concern of the parasites. Bring on the histeria, the fear, the loathing, the witch hunts and the show trials - the reach of the State must extend ever further. They have empires to build.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Al-Douri And Peace With Iran

The news that a one time senior Iraqi Baa'thist should die fighting for Isis reveals a little bit of the secrets of the Middle East. Al- Douri was a Sunni, but clearly a secularist. I suspect that the Islamist charade is mostly for European and American consumption, to keep the populace frightened, to give the masters an excuse to introduce the police state, so necessary for the War On Terror.
The truth is that the Western powers have been arming Iraqi Sunnis for several years. The creation of the Islamic State as a Sunni buffer zone between Syria and Shia Iran-Iraq is part of the deal with Iran, as was the overthrow of Morsi in Egypt, and the neutering of Hamas by Israel last summer.
Essentially, Iraq has been split up into spheres of influence. The Saudis and the Israelis appear nervous about the deal with Iran. Perhaps they have good reason.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

John Terry - A Reason To Vote Ukip

With the election three weeks away I am desperately trying to find reasons not to vote for Ukip. After all, some Ukip candidates support the death penalty, and I really don't want 'Defence' spending doubled. They do have policies I do like such as pulling out of the European Union, putting a break on immigration till we've digested the last lot, and repealing 'discrimination' laws which only serve to divide and rule. They are pretty left wing in the sense that they are statist, and nationalist too.
But to some extent Ukip is a teeny bit libertarian. In this country, the government is concerned with what you say. Perhaps for he first time since Charles I, there have been show trials of people who have said the wrong thing.
One of the most prominent victims of the totalitarian witch hunt was John Terry, the England football captain. He was accused of calling a certain Anton Ferdinand 'black', something that Mr. Ferdinand is, and which is not a defect of any sort.
Anyhow, the football oiks had to be given a lesson, and their Captain Fantastic put in the stocks.
And so, people walk through life, checking their thoughts before they open their mouths, lest they should speak aloud the wrong words and their lives are ruined.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Cries That Fail In A Furious And Infinite Wind

These days the Scottish Government provides a State Guardian to keep watch on every child in that unhappy land. Each child's parents are accountable to the Guardian for the righteous upbringing of their child. The State Guardian, needless to say, has Power but no Responsibility. The Scottish Government has made abundantly clear that should some misfortune befall a child the Named Person, as the Guardian is known, will suffer no consequences. Well, that's all right then.
No doubt the next Labour Government will introduce a similar scheme in England, along with the stalled I.D. project.
Those who love Caesar believe the State has a right to pry into the hearts and minds of every child. No doubt the Scottish Guardians will be on the look out for unauthorised religious views and irregular political activity. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has already suggested that the children of known Islamists be taken into care.
Who next?
In the minds of the State Child Abusers political dissidence is child abuse.
We may not yet have Named Persons, but all schools - which children are forced to attend - have pastoral carers and child psychologists raping children's most intimate emotions and private thoughts.
Like all bureaucrats, they are dedicated to the growth of their empires and their own career progression. Hence they must find a problem where there is not one, or where the problem has been dealt with informally - for very few people will go to a Government agent for help if they can possibly avoid it. They know that the Pastoral Workers only care to find problems and to feed the Social Work machine.
Children are probed, encouraged to denounce their parents. State Violence snatches thousands of children each year, adding intolerable suffering to people who already have enough to cope with.
But, you know, they are only trying to help!
They have been helping themselves to the poor for many a long year!
These days the Caring Ones, the Progressives, read their Gender Studies handbook. A hundred years ago the Progressives believed in Eugenics. The 'Left' believed the Poor to be genetically, racially inferior to themselves. Not much has changed, then.
G.K. Chesterton saw it all going on a hundred years ago. This is what he wrote:

'Often a poor woman will tell a magistrate that she sticks to her husband, with the defiant and desperate air of a wanton resolved to run away from her husband. Often she will cry as hopelessly, and as it were, helplessly, when deprived of her child as if she were a child deprived of her doll. Indeed, a child in the street, crying for her lost doll, would probably receive more sympathy than she does.
Meanwhile the fun goes on; and many such conflicts are recorded, even in newspapers, between heartbroken parents and house-breaking philanthropists; always with one issue of course............
They have their great campaigns and cosmopolitan systems for the regimentation of millions,  and the records of science and progress. .....
In recalling these small things of broken hearts or homes, we are but recording what cannot be recorded; trivial tragedies that will fade faster and faster in the flux of time, cries that fail in a furious and infinite wind, wild words of despair that are written only upon running water; unless, indeed, as some so stubbornly and strangely say, they are somewhere cut deep into a rock, in the red granite of the wrath of God.'

Monday, 6 April 2015

Toxic Masculinity, Transference and Suicide

Toxic Masculinity is a new phrase to me, one that I had been mercifully unaware of until now. It seems to be all those nice things about being a boy, but all twisted up and made horrible. Apparently all of us boys are presumed to be toxic, which makes me rather sad, because I'm quite nice really.
Yes, it seems that boys really are made of frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails - and much much worse. We want power, power over other people, power over women and power over children. We are competitive and we are violent. Blimey! Most guys I know like to go fishing, and kick a ball about, and we kind of like to see our ladies and kiddies happy and smiling.
I know the hierarchical ambitious people are a bit nutty, but that's not most us. The worst that can be said about most guys is that we're a bit lazy.
I came across this term, Toxic Masculinity in a report by the Samaritans about suicide levels in middle aged poor men, which are quite high, it seems. Clearly the writers of the report had been reading their Gender Studies handbook, because as a poor man of a certain age I found it truly hard to recognise myself as the psychopathic troglodyte portrayed in the report. If I was half as bad as they think is the normal male condition, all rage and oppression, I really would top myself.
Suicide is a result of lack of power over oneself, rather than lack of power over others. Indeed, suicide, which is an evil deed, like all acts of violence, is a result of lack of power over ourselves, not over others. It is slaves, not the the masters who kill themselves.
The capitalist 'patriarchal' world is split into two basic classes. -  those who manage and those who are managed, those who give the orders and those who obey.
In traditional society every man and every woman has a sphere of authority, either through skill, age, or position in the family. When the capitalist state comes along and removes all those spheres of authority the poor man is left with nothing. The poor man never had power, but he had authority, and it is this authority that the capitalist state is forever trying to steal. It is the loss of authority that leaves men and women feeling powerless and worthless. It is this theft of authority that is behind the portrayal of men as the enemies and abusers of women and children, and not the protectors, the providers, the servants of women and children that is our traditional role.
In a society that treats the poor as worthless - born sick, both mentally and physically, victims - ordinary people suffer huge emotional and spiritual damage.
The traits of 'Toxic Masculinity' that the Samaritans ascribe to the poor man are in fact the characteristics of the psychopathic military bureaucrat, the degraded wretches who man and woman the hierarchy. Violence, competitiveness, domination of women are the habits of the armed gang, not the habits of poor men. The Samaritans themselves are the managerial class, the overseer class, and they transfer their own sickness to the poor, to their victims. It is they, these Samaritan hierarchs who can only perceive the world through the prism of power. The original Good Samaritan knew very well that it was better to give than to receive, but these guys can only see Darwinian struggle.
The armed band, the hierarchs, compete with each other to extend the domain of the armed gang by dominating others. These servants of the capitalist state are the complete opposite of the workers and peasants whose life is one of solidarity and mutual help. We could not get by otherwise.
The bureaucrats want us to turn to them and their 'professional' help - they want power.
The bourgeois adherents of Gender Studies and State Feminism are simply bureaucratic Fascists. They will not see the world in terms of social class, they will not recognise the validity of the experience of the poor. The bourgeois experience is power, possession and submission. They wish to transfer their toxicity to us.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

The Past Has To Be Painted Pitch Black

You might have noticed that these days the past is on trial, particularly that happy smiley decade, the 1970s. Ageing entertainers are dragged into court and sometimes even found guilty of molesting youngsters, despite the seeming lack of evidence. If you were not yet born, or were very young back then, you might be forgiven for thinking your elders were all wife beating, homophobic, racist kiddie fiddlers, whereas in fact it was a strangely non judgemental time, a gentler time with longer hair, a more hopeful time without debt and the constant war in foreign lands, something we were beginning to think belonged to the past. And above all, it was the most equal decade in the entire history of England. The gap between the rich and the poor was less than ever before or since. Two thirds of Oxbridge graduates were from state schools, manual workers were represented in Parliament, we were not yet monitored from the cradle to the grave, whilst out shopping, at work or going to school. Children were still free to play out!
I could go on, but I am sure you know.
History belongs to the victors and the victors at the moment appear to be the heirs of the New Labour coup of 1997.
However, it seems that the rewriting of history has been going on a long while. As you might have guessed I've been reading some G.K. Chesterton recently, and this is what G.K. had to say, a hundred years ago:

'But the homeless Englishman must not even remember a home. So far from the house being his castle, he must not have even a castle in the air. He must have no memories; that is why he is taught no history. Why is he told none of the truth about mediaeval civilisation except for a few cruelties and mistakes in chemistry? Why does a mediaeval burgher never appear till he can appear in a shirt and halter? Why does a mediaeval monastery never appear till it is 'corrupt' enough to shock the innocence of Henry VIII? Why do we hear of one charter - that of the barons - and not a word of the charters of the carpenters, smiths, shipwrights and all the rest? The reason is that the English peasant is not only not allowed to have an estate, he is not even allowed to have lost one. The past has been painted pitch black, that it may be worse than the present.'

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Christ The Lord Is Risen Again

In the nineteenth century Catherine Winkworth translated many German hymns from the time of the Reformation , many of them in an anthology called Lyra Germanica. This lovely triumphant Easter hymn was originally written by M.Weisse in 1531.

Christ The Lord is risen again;
Christ hath broken every chain;
Hark! Angelic voices cry,
Singing evermore on high,

He, who gave for us his life,
Who for us endured the strife,
Is our Paschal Lamb today;
We, too, sing for joy, and say

He, who bore all pain and loss
Comfortless upon the cross,
Lives in glory now on high,
Pleads for us and hears our cry;

He, who slumbered in the grave,
Is exalted now to save;
Now through Christendom it rings
That the Lamb is King of kings.

He whose path no records tell,
Who descended into hell;
Who the strong man armed hath bound,
Now in highest heaven is crowned.

Now He bids us tell abroad
How the lost may be restored,
How the penitent forgiven,
How we too may enter heav'n.

Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed,
Christ, Thy ransomed people feed:
Take our sins and guilt away,
Let us sing by night and day

Man's Descent To Hell

Today, Holy Saturday, is the day our Lord descended into Hell, a place of death, a place without love, without hope, without God.
A hundred years ago G.K.Chesterton wrote his little book, 'The Evil Of Eugenics'. In many passages he wrote of a situation that we can recognise all too clearly these days. We are not as original nor so modern as we might think.

'He must have a relation to Government like his relation to God. That is, the more he goes into the inner chambers, and the more he closes the doors, the more he is alone with the law. The social machinery which makes such a State uniform and submissive, will be worked outwards from the household as from a handle, or a single mechanical knob or button. In a horrible sense, loaded with fear and shame and every detail of dishonour, it will be true to say that charity begins at home .
Charity will begin at home in the sense that all home children will be like charity children. Philanthropy will begin at home , for all householders will be like paupers. Police administration will begin at home, for all citizens will be like convicts. And when the health and humours of daily life have passed into the domain of this social discipline , when it is admitted that the community must primarily control the primary habits, when all law begins, so to speak, next to the skin or nearest the vitals - then indeed it will appear absurd that marriage and maternity should not be similarly ordered. Then indeed it will seem to be illogical, that love should be free when life has lost its freedom.
So passed, to all appearances, from the minds of men, the strange dream and fantasy called freedom.'

Friday, 3 April 2015

Wishing You A Good Friday

Good Friday is a very special day, so special that I can see no doodle on the Google homepage to commemorate the most important few days of the Christan calendar.
 It can only be a matter of time before Caesar abolishes the Easter holiday for the workers with a fixed date celebration of International Dwarves Day.
To Caesar and those who love him, the Cross of Christ is as offensive as ever. Jesus is redeeming us from slavery - not exactly what Caesar wants. Jesus is paying for our sin - Caesar does not want that. Caesar wants us to keep paying for our sin that we may keep obeying him. Caesar does not want us to even think about sin, for therein lies the seed of liberation.
Caesar only wants us to obey the regulations and to pay our taxes. If you've got a problem, go and see a psychologist.
Power seems to expand year by year, but Jesus does not get down from the Cross. He continues to offend the world.
Power talks to us of our rights, not our duties, it talks to us of taking more rather than giving more, it talks to us about our Selves, and not about God, it prefers psychology to theology, it seeks not to love the Other, but to blame the Other.
For it is a blameless society that hates and scapegoats those who do not conform. The blameless ones herd together in their hate. What does Good Friday mean to a blameless person, a person who reckons up his virtue and compares himself favourably to his fellow? It means nothing at all.
But should we take that small first step and take ownership of our sin? Should we say, 'my sin is my own'? Should we say 'I am sinner'?
Now that would be really brave, really really brave, braver than coming out as Gay. I mean, when you stop sneering, hating and condemning others you'll having nothing to talk to your old friends about anymore. Caesar will frown upon you. Admit your sin and you are stepping outside of slave society, outside of a mob glued together by communal hate and gluttony.
Admit that you are a sinner, and know that only Jesus' love can save you. For Jesus is the Son of God, he is Love made man. Only his perfect love can save you, and when you know him as your Lord and Saviour you too can eat of his body and his blood, his sacrificial love and his unconditional love.
And though you will never be as perfect as He, yet you will be pointing upwards, and not downwards, and in some small way, at least, you will be free.
Caesar thought that he could destroy the Kingdom of Heaven by crucifying Christ but he was wrong.
No wonder the Cross is so offensive.
Happy Easter!

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Whoever Wins The Government Gets In

It is election time again!
Once upon a time the English people elected representatives to hold the government to account, a government with severely limited powers. Parliament was often called when the government needed money to go to war!
Those days are long gone. Today we live in a totalitarian society, in which every aspect of our lives is a matter for government. The education of our children and our health are the governments concern.
We do not vote so much for representatives, but for law makers.
People are used to doing what they are told. Our working lives are frequently the extension of our school lives. We turn up, suffer boredom, accept the humiliation of being ordered about by a boss.
This slave reality is something that seems quite natural to most people. The small windows of personal autonomy are restricted to leisure time, when consumer choice kicks in to give us the illusion of freedom.
More and more people are in work we are told. More women, more people than ever are in paid employment. How sad!
In the past fifty years capital has become increasingly centralised., Government, although it no longer runs any major industries, is bigger than ever, the bureaucracy sucking up the previously autonomous functions of family and society.
The day of rest is all but abolished, and the people accept debt as something as normal as dog like obedience.
There is no political party that wishes to change this situation, because, like us, they can see no alternative to a world in which our humanity is diminished by the orders of Power.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Isolation Rooms In Schools

I have to confess that until a few hours ago I had no idea that schools had isolation units, something like solitary confinement for reluctant and uncooperative students.
Such cells did not exist in the schools of my youth. When the little Revoltettes were at primary school sometimes the more troublesome children were taken out of class and sat in the corridor, outside the school office. At their secondary school, which was private, there were no such isolation units.
So this is where compulsory government 'education' leads too - semi literate children and young people, pointlessly restrained in meaningless learning activities, herded together with their peers instead of working and dealing with the adult world, punished with isolation should they show spirit.
What is amazing though is that the pseudo Left will tell you that solitary confinement is not punishment. They are merely managing the children, conforming them to the system. The teachers have no authority, only power. Without authority there can be no values and without values here can be no worth, and nobody worthy of punishment.
And so all crime is permitted to those with Power in their quest for total conformity.

Monday, 23 March 2015

The Shepherds Fire - John Clare

On the rude heath yclad in furze and ling
And oddling thorns that thick and prickly grows
Shielding the shepherd when the rude wind blows
And boys that sit right merry in a ring
Round fires upon a molehill toasting sloes
And crabs that froth and frizzle on the coals
Loud is the gabble and the laughter loud
The rabbits scarce dare peep out from their holes
Unwont to mix with such a noisey crowd
Some run to eke the fire - while many a cloud
Of smoke curls up some on their haunches squat
 With mouth for bellows puffing till it flares
Or if that fail one fans his napless hat
And when the feast is done they squabble for their shares.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Escapism - The Autistic Society

It really was not so long ago, within living memory, in fact, that people did not have televisions. Even so, people had radio (the wireless) and magazines and the cinema, so we were well on the road to cretinization.
But before television people still had to 'make their own entertainment'. Churches, clubs and pubs were centres of social life. Women went to the bingo, men dug their allotments and raced pigeons. In those brief hours of escape from the factory or domestic duties people did things.
Today they seem to do nothing. Even cooking is a chore. When was the last time anyone washed a nappy?
Yet, at the same time we are very busy, cramming every moment with noise and flickering images.
Physical work, like walking, gives us chance to think.
But today we chase the thoughts away. We look for escape, not from drudgery, but from ourselves.
How else can we explain the use of drugs? Not so long ago people smoked cigarettes and drank a few beers, perhaps, but that was all. For the most part people drank to be sociable, and smoked as a little break, like a coffee break, while going about their business.
But now people passively perform their functions, then passively consume. They do not find relief in creativity.
We have learnt passivity and obedience at school, brought up with enough learning to enable us to consume but not to question. Practical skills are scarcely taught at all in schools. Healthy young men and women are chained to the school desk instead of doing and creating.
And when we emerge from our education with our degrees in psychology, criminology and media studies, then what?
Consumption ad nauseam, consumption ad tedium.
We want to escape the hollowness where there once was a heart, escape our purposelessness, where once the meaning of life was obvious.
So we consume more and more, images, noise, food, looking for another thrill to put on the curriculum of 'my life', unable to relate to another human being, because your own experiences are entirely irrelevant to anybody else.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Multiculturalism And Monoculturalism

The imprisonment if a young man in Scotland for singing a Glasgow Rangers song, which might possibly offend a Catholic of Irish descent, raises a few troubling issues.
Firstly, of course, is the fact that the principle of free speech has been attacked yet again  by our totalitarian rulers. Jailed for singing a song? You've got to be kidding.
Secondly, there was the notion that the song was provocative and might cause violence. This is the defence of the Charlie Hebdo killers, and their numerous supporters in the establishment, such as Papa Francesco, that if somebody does not like what you say they have the right to punch your lights out - or worse. People say things hat are offencive to me all the time. When Feminazis defame the male of the species, when racists like Diane Abbott say that white people like to divide and rule, or the profane take the Lord's name in vain with their OMGs, I am indignant, I am offended, but do I smash their faces in? Would I get away with it? I doubt it.
Thirdly, of course is the nature of the song. It is specifically a Scottish Protestant song, and therefore cannot permitted. In the same way that the establishment tried to ban Tottenham fans from proclaiming their 'Yid' identity, the authorities try to abolish any cultural allegiances to football clubs. Some years ago, for instance, Irish Catholic players would play for Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool, as well as Glasgow Celtic, rather than their local rivals. But now those clubs must be merely a brand.
However, the past must now be forgotten. In Scotland the only identity is to be Scottish. It is okay to hate the English and the Jews, sorry, Zionists, but not each other. To be Scottish is the only monocultural identity allowed.
We see this in other countries too. For all the talk of diversity and multiculturalism, in reality there is none. We can see this in the propaganda of the Progressive pseudo-Left against kosher and halal meat. Throughout the western world animals are kept in abominable conditions and yet the practices of religious minorities are condemned. Those who do not worship Caesar, religious people that is, are portrayed as savages, superstitious ignoramuses.
The slaughter of animals the kosher way has been banned in a number of countries, including Denmark and New Zealand. Even Hitler didn't go that far.
So what is the link between the young man singing a proscribed song and the Muslims and the Jews and their meat? It is this, that for all the talk of multiculturalism, your adherence to a culture or a religion must only be skin deep. If you identify with a faith or a people, you can wear it like a tattoo, no more.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Up Too Late

Revoltina and I have just come back from a meal at a pub in the centre of our little town.  We got to the pub at about a quarter to seven. Sat at a nearby table was a family of four, the children being two little boys aged about six and three. They looked like little darlings so it was a surprise when all of a sudden the eldest child began screaming and yelling and hitting his father with his little fists.
The thought came into my mind, 'What that boy needs is a good smack!'
'Gosh, he's got one on him,' Revoltina muttered.
'These days,' I grumbled to Revoltina, 'this sort of appalling behaviour is inevitable, what with the government undermining parental authority. Is it any wonder that children turn out to be little tyrants!'
 And then I thought about it.
The time was nearly seven o'clock. The wee man had probably been up for twelve hours. He was probably worn out. He shouldn't be eating at seven o'clock, but at four or five o'clock. By seven o'clock he should be having a bath, may be a bite of supper and a story, while sat comfortably in Mum or Dad's lap. Then, warm contented and loved he should be tucked up in bed with Teddy.
The fault was with the parents, not the child. It is quite possible that they had been working all day and only picked up the six year old from the day orphanage (school) at six o'clock. Unfortunately keeping children up late is all too common these days. And it is not especially the poor, the feckless, the shiftless, who are abusing their children in this way, but the respectable, the professional and the prosperous, who drag their children around with them when they should be in bed. Parents are all too frequently obsessessed with consumption and careers. But what children need is love and structure and - time!  Time to relax, time to play, time to daydream, time for imagination and wonder.
I would guess that a good many children who are diagnosed with ADHD are just plain tired.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The Health Adviser In The Community

From the essay, 'Eugenics And Other Evils', by G.K.Chesterton, 1922.

' the composite book which Mr. Wells edited and called 'The Great State' (1912). He said the doctor should no longer be a mere plasterer of paltry maladies, but should be, in his own words, 'the health adviser of the community'. The same can be expressed with even more point and simplicity in the proverb that prevention is better than cure. Commenting on this, I said that it amounted to treating all people as if they were ill. This the writer admitted to be true, only adding that everyone is ill. To which I rejoin that if everyone is ill, the health adviser is ill too, and therefore cannot know how to cure that minimum of illness. This is the fundamental fallacy in the whole business of preventive medicine. Prevention is not better than cure. Cutting off a man's head is not better than curing his headache: it is not even better than failing to cure it.  And it is the same if a man is in revolt, even a morbid revolt. Taking the heart out of him by slavery is not better than cure; prevention is even worse than the disease. Prevention means being an invalid for life, with the extra exasperation of being quite well.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Elton John And Boycotts And Negative Comments

Some of Elton John's early music is classic pop, and he was part of the Glam Rock era, along with T.Rex, Bowie, Gary Glitter, Roxy Music, Sweet, and many more. And some of his music has stood the test of time.
Now, however much I dislike his sucking up to the establishment, however much I squirm at pictures of him with his 'husband', and whatever my reservations about adoptions and surrogate mothers, whatever I think about the irresponsibility of parenting children when you are old enough to be their great- grandfather, I will not be boycotting Elton John's records.
 I will not be boycotting Elton because, firstly, I think that at heart Elton John is a decent bloke. I can understand people not wanting to listen to Gary Glitter anymore, and  personally, when musicians take an anti Israel stand, they fall in my estimation and I don't much feel like listening to their music, because I suspect that behind their righteousness, their exclusive hostility to Israel reveals a hate-filled heart that may lead to someone's physical harm. But Elton John is just trying to live his life as he sees best.
Secondly, if you disagree with someone, then talk to them. Shutting down debate by calling for a boycott is absurd and destructive. It seems to me that the ones who express 'anger' and 'outrage' are the ones that hate.
Likewise I am sure Dolce and Gabbana are decent blokes too.
That said, I can understand Elton John not wanting to buy any more stuff from people who have criticised his lifestyle.
The problem with Dolce and Gabbana is that their comments were negative. They wished to praise traditional motherhood and traditional families. By all means do so, but it doesn't need to involve criticism of others.
Say what is right, not what is wrong.

The Foggy Foggy Dew

When I was a bachelor I lived by myself,
I worked at the weaver's trade,
And the only, only thing I did that was wrong
Was to woo a fair young maid.
I wooed her in the winter time,
And in the summer too,
And the only, only thing I did wrong
Was to keep her from the foggy, foggy, dew.

One night she knelt close by my side
As I lay fast asleep.
She threw her arms around my neck,
And then began to weep.
She wept, she cried, she tore her hair,
Ah me, what could I do?
So all night long I held her in my arms
Just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.

Oh, I am a bachelor, I live with my son,
We work at the weaver's trade.
And every single time I look into his eyes
He reminds me of the fair young maid.
He reminds of the winter time,
And of the summer too.
And the many, many times I held her in my arms
Just to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Most Slaves Have Always Been Female

There's nothing new about women being integrated into the workforce. Slavery, with the exception of the plantation economies in the Americas, has always been largely female.
Ever since woman first said, 'I could do with some help with the housework' and man rushed to the neighbouring tribe to kidnap some girls and kill the men, slavery has been largely female.
Indeed, work - life itself - has been largely female.
It is only in the last couple of hundred years - since the ultra patriarchal French Revolution - that the absurd notion has arisen that what the boys do is what is important, and that women exist to serve them.
In ancient times the Greeks, just like the barbarians that they despised, would enslave conquered people. When they destroyed Troy they killed the men and enslaved the women and children. The men weren't really necessary or useful - the women were.
The Arabs, the Turks and other Muslims such as the Tartars were big on slavery too. Nowadays it is fashionable to talk about the centuries of Islamic domination in Spain as some kind of golden age, but the Christians were very careful to keep an unpopulated military zone between them and the Muslims, who liked nothing better than raiding for slaves.
Men could have up to four wives because, with all that war and massacring, there were a lot more women than men.
Largely female slave societies have been common throughout the world until modern times. It is only Judaeo Christian societies that have found a place for Man's energies without killing him or castrating him. At the same time Christian culture freed all women from slavery.
It was quite clear to our Christian ancestors that the men served the women. Only with the rise of atheism in the eighteenth century did the notion of male superiority begin to make inroads outside the warrior and bureaucratic elites.
Since then we have seen the collapse of Christian civilisation and its inevitable corollary - female servitude.

Women Make Better Slaves

One of the great changes of the past 50 years is the integration of women into patriarchal/hierarchical power structures at school and at work. Autonomous living and untaxed labour is scorned. Childcare is taken to be a low grade worthless activity when compared to working for the boss, which is regarded as so much more essential. Children only become worth something when the mother abandons them to perform taxable labour in order to pay for them, and a childcarer earns taxable money looking after the children. In this way the Economy is strengthened twice over, by the mother and by the child carer.
The woman who looks after her own children is an enemy of Power. The old fashioned way is simply not acceptable anymore. By taking herself and her children out of the Economy, an old fashioned autonomous woman is defying the State and Global Capitalism.
In the New Order women must be enslaved at all costs. After the colonisation of Europe, then America, then Africa and Asia, Power has to expand somewhere - for capitalism is the spread of Power and money the exchange of the tokens of Power - and how better than to colonise every aspect of life and turn it into a relationship of exchange and domination.
In Europe we see women giving up on the right to have children, living in a morass of loneliness, self-harm and self-pity, untrained and unwilling to assume the dignity of there foremothers.
In the Third World sweat shops abound. Women have deft fingers and are more easily intimidated. Far from being set free, women are subjected to sexual abuse, poverty and abortion. They are allowed nothing -no homes, no families. But even so, despite the politics of Power, the politics of Death, when people move to the cities they create new communities. Often, as in England during the Industrial Revolution, people form free evangelical Protestant churches to reconnect with the values of solidarity and giving, to escape from the swamp of despair that is the result of their empty and meaningless toil and enjoy relations of love and respect in their private lives.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

The Pseudo Left; Educating For Inequality

The pseudo Left is the current political manifestation of the officer and overseer classes. Everything it does is progressive, moral and fair - and in its own interests.
Take education for example.
In our little town, some years ago, there was a selective grammar school for boys and one for girls. A good number of the pupils were from ordinary backgrounds. Two thirds of the kids went to secondary moderns where they learnt more practical skills, left school at 16, and if they wanted to get on in life, they furthered their training at night school or with apprenticeships.
Of course, that worked too well, and the selection on academic merit, by an exam at the age of 11, meant that the bureaucratic bourgeoisie might lose out.
So, of course, to make things 'fair',selection by merit was abolished and all the children were sent to the same school.
Except in reality they weren't.
In our little town the children from the poorest area go to the 'worst' school. Those from the richest areas go to the 'best' school.
Pretty much the only children from state schools to go to top universities are the children of 'educated' parents.
The 'advantage' of richer better educated pupils starts early on. Many years ago, at primary school, all the work was done in school - there was no homework. If your reading was not up to scratch the teacher might well keep you back to read to her for ten minutes after class.
Not a chance these days! As a parent once told me, 'you send your children to school to socialise, you educate them at home.'
In secondary school poor children often have to overcome the handicap of coursework - knowledgeable parents come in very useful. And of course there is the endless prejudice of the teachers against the native working class. They themselves are frequently middle-class, peripatetic, nobody people from nowhere. They can relate to immigrants, people who have moved, but the native English workers, with their local accents and their sense of belonging, who have all those things the bourgeois does not have, and can never buy, who can give without rewarding, who can laugh without hating, who can love without moralising - these people are hated by the teachers.
The pseudo Left curiously see everything as competition. For them education is competition, gaining an 'advantage'. So they hate those who go to private school, because in the eyes of the bourgeois 'Left' they have gained an 'advantage', and gained it by cheating, by spending money.
The pseudo-Left, the captains and the corporals of global capitalism, do not want equality - far from it.
Their only interest is in maintaining the hierarchy, the patriarchal structure, the Caesar they worship, and their own place as favoured devotees.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Teachers: The Authority And The Power

These days teachers normally adhere to the pseudo Left and its ideologies because they are mainly employed by the Government. Naturally they wish to control the children and adhere to the State's agenda of obtaining power, not only over the little darlings, but over their parents too. Hence the lack of interest by the teaching professions in practical skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic and its obsession over racism, sexism, gay advocacy and climate change. They teach division and fear.
Obviously, no parent in their right mind wishes such drivel to be force fed to their offspring. Parents want their children to learn Maths, Science, Music, History, Dance, Geography, the arts and the sciences. The children are taught submission, and worse still, for the girls in particular, is the teaching of depravity. They are taught that love is genital, that they must accept being sodomised; at the age of thirteen they are given sex toys and condoms to practice with. God help them! The last thing the children are taught is that love is about motherhood,  family, unconditional love, sacrifice and submission.
They are taught no ethics. Racism, sexism etc is as far as it goes, and maybe 'success' too.In other words, the slave has no ethic except one, obedience.  He or she knows no loyalty, courage, persistence, endurance, sacrifice or generosity.
And from where does the teacher get the authority to teach our children thus? From the parents? Do they act 'in loco parentis'?
No, of course not. Teachers have no authority whatsoever.
Behind them lies only power, the power that comes from the violence of the State.

Monday, 9 March 2015

The Inevitable Failure Of Bureaucracy

I have taken the quote below from an interesting blog called 'Secret Social Worker'. The writer is referring to the Rotherham Mass Child Rape Scandal. Yet the failings of the Rotherham bureaucrats, their collaboration with appalling criminals at the expense of the vulnerable, is almost inevitable. It takes a brave person to fight against the aggressive self-interst of a Bureaucracy. A Bureaucracy is the most Capitalist of all institutions. Its purpose is to survive, to grow and to conquer. Its fine words are just so much self-justifying propaganda.
However kind and loving and responsible an individual bureaucrat may be, they are accountable to their line manager, not the 'customer'. Be they police, teachers, doctors, administrators, they must inevitably see the customer with some hostility, a potential hazard, particularly should the customer believe the propaganda.
The Secret Social Worker has this to say,
'The lack of political will and covering up of mistakes and failings, a management structure that prevents professionals protecting children properly, the process and organisation appear more important than the children....... no responsibility for mistakes and decision making from management and politicians, a concern about political correctness, a community that was unwilling or unable to be involved in child protection, whistleblowers censured, the de-professionalisation of expert child protection workers in favour of process and targets....... family court reforms looking at targets and money.'
It could relate to any aspect of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie as they lay their heavy thieving hands upon ordinary people.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Feminist Russia

Why do our masters hate Russia so much?
Is it because they are more Christian than we are?
Is it because they pay less tax than we do?
Or is it because as far as women's rights are concerned, whilst we talk the talk they walk the walk?
We are forever told that 'equality' does not mean actual equality (the poor remain poor, the rich remain rich), but the rather Thatcherite notion of equality of opportunity, reduced still further to even narrower privilege of upper class women to enjoy leadership roles within the patriarchy.
By this definition, Russia is doing rather well, second in the world.
The Philippines are world champs with 48% of senior management positions held by women, followed by Russia with 42%, then Malaysia, Thailand and so on, way ahead of Soviet Britain on 22% or Feminazi Sweden and Spain on 28% and 26% respectively.
Perhaps, in reality our masters want to use women as cheap labour. Perhaps the micromanaging of our lives is designed to produce increased inequality. Perhaps they want to return the Russians to the servitude of their Soviet past?

Friday, 6 March 2015

Inequality In Justice

I read a headline the other day, something about the Liberal Democrat leader calling for a reduction of women in jail, and it made me wonder about how many women were in jail, and how many women were in the boardroom.
According to the statistics I have at hand approximately 22% of senior management positions in the UK are held by women, and only 4% of the prison population is female.
Surely, by the holy laws of equality 22% of prisoners should be women.
Ideally, sentences should be adjusted in favour of more jail sentences for women, until the prison population is 50-50, female - male.
Surely, it is unfair that more women are not allowed to experience jail simply because criminality is perceived to be a male attribute.
It is time that women were free to be criminals, free from the patriarchal tutelage of the capitalist state, free from the degrading sub-human label of Victim.
Go on girls, smash the glass ceiling, smash a window and take on the fully human mantle of the Criminal!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Class Is Defined By Power Not Income

I was reading some Labour Party websites yesterday concerning the detachment of the supposedly people's party from the people, particularly its base support, the working class. There seemed to be some confusion as to who the working class are. Some writers talked of the 'new' working class, a sort of rainbow coalition fantasy as opposed to the crusty indigenous 'male' working class.Other writers talked of money and attitudes.
Noticeably, none referred to the basis of class - power.
A working class person goes through most of his or her life receiving orders.
It is as simple as that, really.
Those who give orders - teachers, managers in bureaucracies, social workers, and so on can never really be 'left-wing', as they like to believe. Theirs is a socialism that dispenses with the people. Their experience is one of being integrated into the hierarchy. They can only see life (and here lies the root of their sympathy for Islam) as domination and submission.
The experience of corporals and overseers, not to mention that of the officer class and the generals, is quite different to that of the foot soldiers.
It is power, not wealth, which defines who is 'poor', though often enough, after the pious righteous moral thieves have done, having stripped us of our dignity and our autonomy, we are materially poor too.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Assimilation Of The Left

The capitalist hierarchy has a habit of assimilating oppositional groups, paring them of their radicalism and using them to oppress the rest of society. In imperial times the European powers created local elites to control the local population. They allowed local princelings such as Nelson Mandela to wear the mantle of liberation, knowing full well that come the day of 'independence' they would continue the work of exploitation.
And so, nowadays, those in power adore the likes of Nelson Mandela, claiming the mantle of righteousness and radicalism.
A similar process has happened with the state sponsored support for a gay movement and a women's movement. These critiques of Power have been assimilated to support Power. So we have gay rights being boxed into the ludicrous campaign for gay marriage, and the reclamation of the dignity of woman from the wreck of patriarchy being interpreted as the rejection of all things feminine and the integration of woman into the power structures of patriarchy.
The supporters of the system of power and hierarchy now call themselves 'left wing', having appropriated to themselves the label of liberation, even if that 'liberation' means nothing more than subservience and conformity.
The servants of power are not 'left wing'. The corporals and the overseers, the teachers, the doctors, the bureaucrats are not 'left wing'. There is a word to describe the ideology of the dogs of Power. It is called Fascism. Some years ago this was regarded as right wing. Today it is the preserve of the official 'Left'.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Women Are More Important

I was talking to a young man the other day, and somehow the conversation got round to the point where I said, slightly off-hand, 'of course, that's because they are important than us,' referring to the ladies. The young man was a bit surprised; 'How come?' he said.
'Well,they have the babies.' I said. 'In the tribe every womb counts. They bear our future. Men are equal to women but not as important. That's why we can go off and play games and get killed in wars.' The young man was unconvinced. Women are equal these days, he told me.
Listen, I said, imagine if Christ were a woman. It would not only be ridiculous, but obscene, a woman crucified. It would be impossible because it is a man who loves sacrificially, sacrificing himself for the woman.'
The young man thought it a strange idea. He thought that you didn't torture women because they weren't very strong.
And what about the lifeboats, I asked, women and children first.
'I thought that was because they are weaker than us!'
So there you have it. All this Equality indoctrination and what is left of woman, but a weak man. I am sure my young friend would never disrespect a woman, but a condescending consideration, and a self respect based on no more than a noble heart is hardly the basis of good relations between the sexes.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Politically Correct Killers - Don't blame the Muslims

In this country you can go to jail for saying the wrong thing. You don't have to be threatening somebody, - just offending them is enough. This is the reality of the Equal Society. Indeed you can go to jail for inciting others to attack you.
Well, you can't say this and you can't say that - lose your liberty or lose your livelihood. And maybe lose your life too.
The people at the Football Association who persecute an old gentleman like Dave Whelen, who fine him, who force him to be re-educated, are on the same continuum as the Charlie Hebdo killers, the continuum of censorship and violence.
The French killers didn't learn their thuggery from the Koran, but from school ethics classes that taught them nothing about ethics, yet everything about self-pity and victimhood. They were taught not to have duties, but to have rights. They live in a political culture that hates Christians and Jews and free speech, who blames the worlds ills on Anglo-Zionist bankers, who think that being left wing is to sneer and to hate and to stew. This world view can be read in all the mainstream 'liberal' press around the world.
For heaven's sake don't blame the Muslims, blame the Fascist Politically Correct movement that wants to enslave us all.