Saturday, 22 August 2015

Pseudo-Left Is Far Right

I've been talking to some Pseudo-Lefties recently and I never cease to be shocked by their ignorance, arrogance, rudeness and downright stupidity.
It's as if the word 'Bigot' were specifically coined for them.
There seems to be a general acceptance that Identity Politics is somehow left-wing, to be associated with Socialism. The Pseudo-Lefties, such as their current hero Jeremy Goebbels, are in fact on the far right.
Fascist ideology wants us to believe that we all belong to different corporations or identities. For instance, an American black man in jail has more in common with Obama than he has with an American white man in jail. It is absurd, of course, but obvious reality is what those in power want to hide.
The Fascist  State bundles these different groups together, and together they are strong, against the enemy.
Because Hierarchy and State are, for the Fascist, the natural order of things, as it is for our Pseudo-Lefties, inevitably there is the need for the Other, the Scapegoat.
I am sure Jeremy Goebbels is sincere when he says he is not an anti-Semite. I am sure that he believes it to be true. Nevertheless, from an objective point of view, he most certainly is a racist, because his world view is that of the conspiracy theorist, where 'Zionists' control this that and the other. There is no other explanation for the Pseudo-Left obsession with Israel.
If they were not racists they would be boycotting the United Kingdom. Surely the U.K. has killed more Arabs than Israel has ever done. They could boycott the U.K by refusing to pay their taxes. When they start boycotting the big players, instead of one small group, then I will accept that they are not racist.
So, Pseudo-Left ideology is in essence Fascism.
Socialism, on the other hand, is based on class, not so much income, but our place within the hierarchical power structure. At heart all people are equal. We are only divided by our place in the structure of dominance.
Pseudo-Leftism wishes to integrate previously excluded groups into the power structure, women in particular, whereas Socialists wish to destroy that power structure.
Fascism, or Political Correctness, as it know these days, wishes to keep us apart.
Jeremy Goebbels is occasionally called a Socialist, but usually he is described as 'Left'. That is mainly because if he were described as a Socialist, it would soon become clear that he is not.
He intends to put one or two industries under the control of the Capitalist State, and what else?
There will be more bosses, less freedom, and blood will flow.

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