The pseudo Left is the current political manifestation of the officer and overseer classes. Everything it does is progressive, moral and fair - and in its own interests.
Take education for example.
In our little town, some years ago, there was a selective grammar school for boys and one for girls. A good number of the pupils were from ordinary backgrounds. Two thirds of the kids went to secondary moderns where they learnt more practical skills, left school at 16, and if they wanted to get on in life, they furthered their training at night school or with apprenticeships.
Of course, that worked too well, and the selection on academic merit, by an exam at the age of 11, meant that the bureaucratic bourgeoisie might lose out.
So, of course, to make things 'fair',selection by merit was abolished and all the children were sent to the same school.
Except in reality they weren't.
In our little town the children from the poorest area go to the 'worst' school. Those from the richest areas go to the 'best' school.
Pretty much the only children from state schools to go to top universities are the children of 'educated' parents.
The 'advantage' of richer better educated pupils starts early on. Many years ago, at primary school, all the work was done in school - there was no homework. If your reading was not up to scratch the teacher might well keep you back to read to her for ten minutes after class.
Not a chance these days! As a parent once told me, 'you send your children to school to socialise, you educate them at home.'
In secondary school poor children often have to overcome the handicap of coursework - knowledgeable parents come in very useful. And of course there is the endless prejudice of the teachers against the native working class. They themselves are frequently middle-class, peripatetic, nobody people from nowhere. They can relate to immigrants, people who have moved, but the native English workers, with their local accents and their sense of belonging, who have all those things the bourgeois does not have, and can never buy, who can give without rewarding, who can laugh without hating, who can love without moralising - these people are hated by the teachers.
The pseudo Left curiously see everything as competition. For them education is competition, gaining an 'advantage'. So they hate those who go to private school, because in the eyes of the bourgeois 'Left' they have gained an 'advantage', and gained it by cheating, by spending money.
The pseudo-Left, the captains and the corporals of global capitalism, do not want equality - far from it.
Their only interest is in maintaining the hierarchy, the patriarchal structure, the Caesar they worship, and their own place as favoured devotees.
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