Friday, 21 August 2015

Jeremy's Friends

                                                Jeremy's Friends

Started out a NUPE official, full-time
Civil service management union, doing fine
Councillor in the Borough of Haringey
Bernie Grant and friends making hay

Friends with murderers McGuinness and Adams
IRA. killers, snivelling cowards
And Diane Abbott, racist PC tool
'White people like to divide and rule'

Europe's bureaucratic Pseudo-Left
Podemos, Syriza, conspiracy, daft
Pony tails, motorbikes, they think they're cool
Theirs the old lie, the socialism of fools

United by hatred of the Jews
Eno, BDS, Livingstone too
Hamas, Iran, Hizbollah
George Galloway, Raed Salah

Jeremy, hero of bourgeois spite
Leading us into the fascist night
Killers, haters, the conspiracy he keeps,
There's a name for men like Jeremy.........................

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