Wednesday 18 December 2013

Extremely Horny

Exeter University takes the fight against extremism very seriously. In such an esteeme centre of education men and women sit together, but not too closely.  The students have to be careful about what they say, and about where they sit, suitably sandwiched between otherly gendered people, and ever vigilant in case they are perceived to be extreme or unequal.
One must, of course, be moderately horny.
Chastity is just so extreme and religious, yet surprisingly, perhaps, a woman who sleeps around and is unashamed of her activities, is deemed to have brought the university into disrepute.
Elina Desaine, who has won the title of Britain's Horniest Student, might well ask what has changed in this brave new world of State Feminism.
 According to student magazine Exepose, Exeter University student Miss Desaine is facing a major disciplinary action from the university on the grounds that her own particular actions 'may cause reputational damage to the University.' It continues, 'Possible sanctions  from a major disciplinary hearing include permanent exclusion from the University, a fine not exceeding £500, community service or the signing of a behavioural contract.'
In her entry Miss Desaine, who won £500 and a years supply of condoms wrote:
'I should be the UK's horniest student because I have sex with 2/3 different people a week.
Sometimes I go clubbing, have sex with someone, and then go back to the club go pick up my second victim. Feeling horny right now, so might just text someone on my 'shag list' and do it in the computer room (I've done this before, was great!) With your help and Alcohol I will be able to become an even hornier student!'
Pretty tame really, but too extreme for the conformists and moralists of Soviet Britain. Miss D. must learn to shag a little more earnestly in future, yah?

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