Monday 23 December 2013

Christmas Eve - One Of Us

John Ball writes;
This is a world of Popes and Princes, of soldiers and politicians and thieves, scoundrels who dress up their crime with all kinds of fancy uniforms and medals and robes. But Jesus Christ, when he walked the earth was not one of the oppressors - he was one of us. He wore no tiara except the Crown of Thorns of the common man. He completely rejected the power of this world, a power that falsely calls itself Authority, but which, in reality, is based on nothing but deception, the weasal words of priests and propagandists, the self interested morality of caring institutions designed to protect the powerful from the hordes.
 The Ten Commandments was the Law of a free people, a people like our own ancestors, the Saxons, who before the imposition of the Norman Yoke ran their own societies without overlords and priests. Our ancestors were 'Germans', that is 'brothers' and Authority came from the people.
But the feudal thugs and the lying priests joined forces to form a military bureaucratic complex. The false authority of the rulers came from the lying priests, - no longer from us, the people.
The rulers learnt to hate the people, because they are parasites, and they hate our self-sufficiency and our love. These perverts only know domination and they are all around us today.
So remember this - Jesus Christ is one of us. He came not to tax us nor to tithe us, nor to set up institutions with bureaucracies and police forces with their guns and batons and chemical coshes and their universal compulsory brainwashing for our poor bairns.
Celebrate Christmas because through the darkness the Word of Freedom shines on. God Himself is made flesh - in the form of a powerless common man, and it is his supreme lack of earthly power which makes him the Son of Man, and pleases God to give our Lord supreme Authority.

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