Thursday 5 December 2013

English Education And State Feminism

Mary Malone writes:
Compulsory education is a key element in the indoctrination of the young with the worldview of State Feminism and the destruction of solidarity between man and woman.
The origins of State Feminism lie in the boredom and resentment of women from bureaucratic patriarchal families who had servant women to do their work. They wanted the same sort of power as their menfolk. The Pankhursts, Shirley Williams, Harriet Harman are all women who have enjoyed the use of servants.
Since the War there have been huge efforts to bring women into the workplace, to subject women to the same sort of patriarchal control as men. New technology has been made available to make domestic work lighter, contraception has been made widely available, and abortion and divorce encouraged. Add to that the destruction of many skilled jobs since the 1980s and the foundations of the working class family have been rocked.
The compulsory education of young people is designed to finish off this destruction and assimilate everyone into Patriarchy. The indoctrination of girls, their training designed to accustom them to endless hours of repetitive work, aims to end women's autonomy, and bring women into the degrading world of paid work, alongside men.
Fifty years ago the education of a girl was still based on the likelihood that she would become the mistress of her own family, whereas now it is assumed that she will be a sort of second class man. Motherhood is regarded as a lifestyle choice. Women are expected to abort rather than 'ruin' their careers. Child care and even child bearing is outsourced to the Third World. If a woman is brave enough to have a child she must expect that there will be no man paid well enough to support her, and that she must place her poppet into a nursery to be looked after by other poorly paid women while she goes out to work.
Drudgery and degradation within the Patriarchy is the liberation offered to girls within the education system. And as for men - they're something to do with STDs aren't they?

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