Monday 24 June 2013

War On Want

War On Want is an organization of the bureaucratic class, dedicated to the persecution of the world's only Jewish state, Israel.
The reason why this one small state is so special, so worthy of so much vitriol, can only because it is Jewish.
The righteous ones, the moral ones, the caring ones, want someone to hate.
They join up with Christian Aid and Islamic Relief, and fall  to their knees at the feet of big government, They ask for more taxation, for action to be taken against the supposedly rich and the Jews.
For some reason War On Want is regarded as a charity. It receives money from the UK government, the European Union, and the laughable Comic Relief.

Theresa Villiers, a Conservative M.P. and cabinet minister says;
'War on Want is an extremely politicised NGO which actively promotes the Durban Strategy and uses anti-Semitic themes to attack Israel. Given War On Want's extensive political campaigning and lobbying efforts, its one-sided approach to the conflict that ignores Palestinian terrorism, and the recurring investigations by the Charity Commission, funding from the EU and UK to this NGO is highly problematic.'

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