Thursday 6 June 2013

Dualism And The Politically Correct Attack On Woman

From Mary Malone's The Denial Of Woman.

The rise of Dualism in the Ancient World marked an intensification of the vilification of Woman. Already, in the first millennium B.C., patriarchal states were sweeping away the matriarchal societies of the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Patriarchy, with its violence and its pyramid of power, was searching for justification, for validity, for justification for its crime.
What better solution than to blame the victim?
For two thousand years the battle raged. The Dualism of Zoroaster, its opposition of material and spiritual, its denigration of sexual activity, its denial of woman, its sneer at life itself, appeared to conquer all. Then came the reaction of Christianity - matriarchy with a patriarchal face - where the material and the spiritual were reconciled in Christ. Some sort of balance appeared to have been restored.
But the Manicheans, and the pseudo Manicheans, such as Jerome and Augustine perverted Christianity by reasserting the dominance of hierarchy and the unworthiness of Woman, the nadir being reached in the woman hatred of Islam, a religion that from the beginning has exalted violence and destroyed women.
The modern Atheism of the Politically Correct is much like Islam. It is a religion without love or freedom, a religion of great morality, a religion that judges and damns.
Above all it judges and damns women.
Under the guise of  'liberating' women, the Politically Correct teaches girls to hate themselves. Woman's Body, under attack from many centuries of Dualism with its Morality of Purity, is under attack as never before.
Thin is beautiful. Loveliness and curves are damned. Long flowing hair is a luxury of the  Politically Incorrect 'unliberated' woman. The power of her body is condemned.
Her domination of the family is dismissed as unproductive, being replaced by an infantile role in the hierarchy, where thin and boyish, she fulfils the role of sex object in the Pederast Society.
Never has Woman been so unhappy!
Even Islam allows women to retain their Womanhood. Throughout the world women are converting from Atheism to this most patriarchal of religions, this Dualism gone mad, because, although Islam holds out the prospect of an existence in the shadows, it is better than no existence at all.

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