Monday 10 June 2013

Aid Dependency

When a country is in debt bondage or has just emerged from a period of instability or war, Aid from Western governments and semi official ‘charities’ is often most welcome.
European powers set up centralized governments in the countries that they conquered, destroying local society in Asia, Africa and Australasia. Not wishing to have their work undone, European governments subsidize these new governments in the form of Aid. Centralized government in the former colonies would be severely weakened without this Aid.
However, when there is a lot of cash up for grabs it inevitably leads to corruption.
Just as England has become a country of patronage and corruption with government contracts being the route to many a fortune, a similar mechanism is at work in poorer countries.  
In countries like Cambodia, Aid Dependency has led to the corrupting of democracy as donors want a say on where the money goes, to increasing rates of infant mortality as money is spent to suit the needs of the donors, bad governance due to corruption and missed commercial opportunities as entrepreneurs chase the money instead of make the money.
Almost every country in Africa is in the grip of Aid Dependency. South of the Sahara, perhaps only Zimbabwe, Angola and Nigeria do without.
In some African countries there are more Europeans running around than there were in colonial times, now working for the shadowy pseudo charity NGOs.
When people in England help out a 'charity' with their time and money they should think very carefully.
No doubt, superficially, they are doing good, but at what price?
The destruction of local agriculture?
The destruction of local industry?
The corrupting and destruction of democratic government?
The stifling of local initiative?
The colonisation of Africa and Asia by the Imperial West?
Does the Aid Worker walk ahead of AFRICOM just as the Missionary used to walk ahead of the White Man with the Maxim Gun?
Many Africans wish the Europeans would go home once and for all.
But for our government the Aid Budget is sacrosanct. It is a source of power and patronage that reaps many rich dividends.
And with increased economic activity in Africa, due to the rise of new trading partners in Asia and South America, we can expect plenty more Aid and Military Intervention for some time to come.
Only by suborning local elites can our rulers destroy all hope and maintain their power.

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