Tuesday 26 March 2013

War Is The Health Of The State

From my point of view as a Peasant who at one time lived in the 1300s the above statement seems fairly obvious.
But a lot of you twenty first century people see the state as Big Mother.
I mean, if you set up a tiddlywinks club you guys ask Big Mother for funding, then ask her for approval once you’ve filled in the right forms and followed the right regulations.
Big Mother looks after your health and your safety, she makes sure you don’t drink too much, eat too much, or think too much.
There’s no time for thinking with all this regulated fun and entertainment on offer.
But I still think, just as if I were still living in the fourteenth century. We had lots of time for thinking back then.
I used to think, 'why do I have to work for the lord of the manor?, why must I pay taxes to the king and tithes to the bishop?'
All that extra work to do, and what did I get from it?
Blimey, the roads were even worse then than they are now.
I began to think about how nice it would be if there weren’t any lords and lawyers and bishops and kings, how nice it would be if there was no government at all.
Those Who Know Better Than Us reckon we need them because they sort out justice. They punish the wrongdoer.
But in Saxon times, when we English ruled ourselves, justice was not a matter of punishment but of compensation. The laws of our people saw to that, laws that had been agreed upon centuries ago in Germany, where our ancestors came from.
German, incidentally, is a word that means 'brother’, like in the Catalan word  ‘german’, or the Castilian word ‘hermano’.
Before the Norman Yoke, we English were brothers.
They tell us that the thugs they employ, ‘warriors’ they like to call them, are there to protect us from other thugs.
It is a protection racket, that’s what it is.
They fight wars to justify their existence.
They create enemies where there are none.
Instead of talking about love their priests always talk about the ‘Other’.
They say that they are good, and the ‘Other’ is evil.
The nature of the world, they tell us, is conflict and domination, murder and rape.
They want us to live in fear.
For our protection we must all march together behind them.
And if we step out of line……………….then we too become the ‘Other’.
Back in my day the king and his nobles wanted us to believe that we could not live without them, like you guys  believe you cannot live without Big Mother.

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