Wednesday 6 March 2013

Genital Imperialism

My good lady Revoltina wants me to sing her some of those soppy songs those troubadours like to sing.
No chance!
I'll leave that kind of smarmy behaviour to Dick.
That said, a bit of  romance is better than the sexualisation of all life you people get here in the twenty first century. Honestly, you’d think docking was the only game in town.
A romantic guy may see the loved one as a projection of his own ego, but at least she is regarded as something precious, not just a piece of meat.
People will always want to form families; the union of a man and a woman, the fruit of their love, keeping each other warm at night, is all good and natural.
But if the Authority had its way we’d all be bucking like bunnies and living in splendid isolation. We'd just be consuming each other with mutual masturbation.
In a free society people are mutually dependent. This leads to mutual respect and mutual service.
But in a regulated society, where our jobs and our incomes, our education, our health, and our leisure activities are all dependent on the patronage of government, on government funding, naturally we are dependent on Authority, not on each other.
So, although young people want to form families, this is discouraged. Many young people have massive debts hung around their necks, while at the same time they are encouraged by a bombardment of massive propaganda to fritter away what money they have.
Consumption, despair, and lack of self respect is inevitable.
Pills to thrill, pills to numb the emptiness, oh yes, and docking too!
Authority redefines marriage as two people who want to hang out together.
The prime purpose of work is no longer to serve your family, but to serve yourself.
Your basic relationship is one of power, (or powerlessness) within a hierarchy. You obey, you watch your back, you blame others.
In such a society there is little room for social solidarity.
Family bonds are loosened, if not dispensed with altogether.
Relationships with the opposite sex have a hopelessness about them. They can lead nowhere, and with divorce and single parenthood becoming acceptable, there can be no guarantee of the duration of any marriage.
Loving, committing, being brave enough to give, leaves a person at risk of great hurt.
Relationships become transitory and uncertain.
In such a world, where we scarcely dare love, we can only exchange sexual pleasures. We can only consume each other, like starving rats in a loveless cage, condemned to the hell of the self. 

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