Wednesday 27 March 2013

First Things

Here we have an excerpt from 'Men and Matriarchy' by Mary Malone:

When men forgot to give, they first of all expropriated the power of women. By rendering Woman powerless they turned her into a thing. Woman was the first ‘thing’ to be objectified.
Woman was the first human resource.
Woman was the first commodity.
In the ancient matriarchal world there was no such thing as prostitution, there was no such thing as rape.
These concepts are unknown in ‘primitive’ societies.
Yet in a patriarchal society prostitution and rape go together like a horse and carriage.
Violence is taboo in a matriarchal society, but violence is the essence of Patriarchy.
In a society with no possessions and no expropriated  power there is no call for violence.
Only in patriarchal society does crime raise its head; because patriarchal society is crime itself.
Women are objectified and enslaved. Service and giving are despised, domination is all.
Women are subjected to men.
The world is turned upside down.

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