Sunday 3 March 2013

Rosalia de Castro - Why?

Por Que?   

Escoita! Os algoasiles
Andan correndo a aldea;
Mais, como pagar, como, se un non pode
Inda paga-la renda?

Embargarannos todo, que non tenen
Esas xentes conciencia, nin ten alma.
Quedaremos por portas
Meus fillos das entranas!

Mala morte vos mate
Antes de que entredes…!
Dos probes, o sentirvos,
Os corazons, cal baten tristemente!

Maria, se non fora
Porque hai un Dios que premia e castiga,
Eu matara eses homes
Como mata un raposo a unha galina.

Silencio! Non blasphemes,
Que este es un valle de lagrimas…!
Mais por que a alguns lles toca sufrir tanto
I outros a vida antre contentos pasan?

Listen! The tax collectors
Are all over the village!
But how can we possibly pay them,
When we can’t even pay the rent!

Look out! They’ll take it all!
They have neither conscience nor soul,
They will turf us out of our home
My dearest darling children

May a terrible death await you,
Before you even get here!
When the poor folk hear your footsteps
Their hearts are crushed with sorrow

Dear Mary! If it weren’t for there being
A God who rewards and punishes the wicked
I would kill those evil men,
Like the fox kills the chicken!

Silence! Don’t blaspheme! you say,
This world is a vale of tears!
But why must some people suffer so much
While others are happy all their days? 

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