Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Poetic Voices

I listened to Dylan Thomas speaking his poetry
His voice rich and Welsh yet posh at the same time
Though educated he kept his ethnicity
Authentic sophistication in rhyme

Sylvia Plath read a poem about 'Daddy'
Harsh, bitter and extremely unpleasant
Shoved her head in the oven when she threw a paddy
Indulgent, rootless, cooked as a pheasant

And Gentleman Jim Reeves reading Robert Service
Far too smooth, too fireside to paddle a canoe
Forests and mountains and bears would make him nervous
Dan McGrew would make him boo-hoo

Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing a trick
There's something in it that just doesn't click
Maybe I'm too fond of taking the mick
Or maybe, just maybe, I'm just a bit thick.

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