Normally, I take Feminist talk with a pinch of salt, particularly when they go on about male violence. After all, here in this quiet little English town there is no known case, within living memory, of a man having killed his wife or significant other. Somebody told me, however, that a woman killed her husband some ten years or more back, something I do not recollect myself.
Then, a woman told me that a guy I know used to beat up her sister when they were married. He is not a rough type of guy but a bit 'deep' and moody.
I suppose there have always been 'bad uns', and I suppose people may well occasionally, and regretfully, trade blows when tired and emotional, but I was brought up to believe that hitting a girl was strictly forbidden, taboo, haram. Boys could trade blows and play their rough games, but girls were completely out of it. In the home especially, the woman was always boss, and was to be treated with the utmost respect.
So it seems odd, indeed preposterous, that some societies should see systematic physical aggression against women by men, as somehow reasonable and legitimate. How on earth did women and men come to bring about such societies? Surely nature dictates that men love women. When a woman cries we are concerned. We want to protect her, cherish her. After all she will one day, perhaps, bear our children in her womb.
There are two types of relationships in this world, those of co-operation and those of domination. In a marriage of co-operation it does not really matter who does the washing up and who earns more or less money. It is about pulling together.
Normally women like to remain in close contact with other female relatives. Considering that bearing and caring for children, in their early years, is difficult and tiring work, it is no surprise that for women, a close support network is vitally important.
It seems that when women are taken from their homes and sent to live with strangers, that is when
they are vulnerable, whether it is isolated middle class women who follow their husbands' careers, or young girls who are forced to live under the domination of their mother-in-law.
Abuse of men and women occurs when systems of domination prevail.
Unfortunately, Official Feminism is not interested in overthrowing systems of domination. Instead they wish to perpetuate the domination of the Officer Class. Technology has brought women into the public sphere, and Official Feminism seeks to maintain the privileges of those who give orders by defining equality in bourgeois and biological terms, to divide women from men, to justify their privilege in terms of biology, like their ancestors, the Colonialists and the Fascists. They wish to divide us by gender and race.
At no point do they criticize Hierarchy. They want to integrate women in the hierarchy.
The real divide is not biological, but social. The divide is between rich and poor, rulers and ruled. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer and the overseers want to get their snouts in the trough. Far from abolishing 'Patriarchy' they seek to re-enforce hierarchy and domination, and create a new ever intrusive 'Neo-Pariarchy.'
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