Tuesday 31 March 2015

Whoever Wins The Government Gets In

It is election time again!
Once upon a time the English people elected representatives to hold the government to account, a government with severely limited powers. Parliament was often called when the government needed money to go to war!
Those days are long gone. Today we live in a totalitarian society, in which every aspect of our lives is a matter for government. The education of our children and our health are the governments concern.
We do not vote so much for representatives, but for law makers.
People are used to doing what they are told. Our working lives are frequently the extension of our school lives. We turn up, suffer boredom, accept the humiliation of being ordered about by a boss.
This slave reality is something that seems quite natural to most people. The small windows of personal autonomy are restricted to leisure time, when consumer choice kicks in to give us the illusion of freedom.
More and more people are in work we are told. More women, more people than ever are in paid employment. How sad!
In the past fifty years capital has become increasingly centralised., Government, although it no longer runs any major industries, is bigger than ever, the bureaucracy sucking up the previously autonomous functions of family and society.
The day of rest is all but abolished, and the people accept debt as something as normal as dog like obedience.
There is no political party that wishes to change this situation, because, like us, they can see no alternative to a world in which our humanity is diminished by the orders of Power.

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