Friday 20 March 2015

Multiculturalism And Monoculturalism

The imprisonment if a young man in Scotland for singing a Glasgow Rangers song, which might possibly offend a Catholic of Irish descent, raises a few troubling issues.
Firstly, of course, is the fact that the principle of free speech has been attacked yet again  by our totalitarian rulers. Jailed for singing a song? You've got to be kidding.
Secondly, there was the notion that the song was provocative and might cause violence. This is the defence of the Charlie Hebdo killers, and their numerous supporters in the establishment, such as Papa Francesco, that if somebody does not like what you say they have the right to punch your lights out - or worse. People say things hat are offencive to me all the time. When Feminazis defame the male of the species, when racists like Diane Abbott say that white people like to divide and rule, or the profane take the Lord's name in vain with their OMGs, I am indignant, I am offended, but do I smash their faces in? Would I get away with it? I doubt it.
Thirdly, of course is the nature of the song. It is specifically a Scottish Protestant song, and therefore cannot permitted. In the same way that the establishment tried to ban Tottenham fans from proclaiming their 'Yid' identity, the authorities try to abolish any cultural allegiances to football clubs. Some years ago, for instance, Irish Catholic players would play for Arsenal, Manchester United and Liverpool, as well as Glasgow Celtic, rather than their local rivals. But now those clubs must be merely a brand.
However, the past must now be forgotten. In Scotland the only identity is to be Scottish. It is okay to hate the English and the Jews, sorry, Zionists, but not each other. To be Scottish is the only monocultural identity allowed.
We see this in other countries too. For all the talk of diversity and multiculturalism, in reality there is none. We can see this in the propaganda of the Progressive pseudo-Left against kosher and halal meat. Throughout the western world animals are kept in abominable conditions and yet the practices of religious minorities are condemned. Those who do not worship Caesar, religious people that is, are portrayed as savages, superstitious ignoramuses.
The slaughter of animals the kosher way has been banned in a number of countries, including Denmark and New Zealand. Even Hitler didn't go that far.
So what is the link between the young man singing a proscribed song and the Muslims and the Jews and their meat? It is this, that for all the talk of multiculturalism, your adherence to a culture or a religion must only be skin deep. If you identify with a faith or a people, you can wear it like a tattoo, no more.

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