Thursday 20 March 2014

Loving The Boss

Mary Malone writes:
One of the key functions of State Feminism is to present the current economic and political oppression in a good light.
Women's liberation, farcically called 'emancipation', an insult to the millions of people enslaved throughout history, even today in some Moslem countries, is presented as integration into the system of reward and punishment, of buy and sell, of working for the boss, of living for the boss.
For almost the entirety of human existence, only slaves worked for a boss. To be free meant to be autonomous, and for the vast majority of women work has always been free and independent.
In the first half of the the twentieth century, women's exclusion from many parts of the Economy was a problem for those in Power. Obviously, if a woman were at home looking after her children and her husband she could not be earning money and contributing tax. If she were preparing the food, making clothes, what good was that to the Powerful? She paid no taxes, so was useless to their Power.
So, women's essential work was denigrated, and the surplus value work of men was exalted.
The welfare state was introduced to destroy the Christian ethic and the mutual support of genuine communities, to take away a large part of the purpose of women's society.
Convenience foods and home appliances meant that women could earn and spend, running ever faster, like rats on a wheel, but vitally, most importantly, contributing taxation to Power.
Marriage was delayed, children aborted, debt encouraged at every turn, as like cows shepherded by the sheep bitches of State Feminism women were corralled into offices and factories throughout the land.
And the little children? Other women looked after the children, paid by the wages of the waged - more taxation, more Power.
And if the women were too exhausted to breed there was always plenty of cheap labour from the Third World.
This is the reality - loneliness, empty lives, debt, drugs, childlessness, toys - this is the State Feminist nightmare.
Men have always known that working for the boss is a humiliation. They will retire or work independently whenever the opportunity arrives.
But the State Feminist woman is the most degraded creature on the planet; a bully, a sycophant, a worm who will sell her birthright for a smiley face and a few toys.

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