Monday 3 March 2014

Boris Johnson - Remove Their Children

It is easy to dismiss Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, as an adulterous, narcissistic clown, but there again, so was Mussolini. Indeed, he is the one politician in the United Kingdom who actively promotes a personality cult. For this reason alone we should be wary if he were ever to reach high office, and we have good reason to scorn the electorate of that formerly English city, who have been so foolish to chose him.
Johnson's latest mutterings show his authoritarian leanings.
He wants Social Services to remove the children of a certain class of dissident, those he and they deign to be Islamists. I'm not very keen on these beardy hate mongers myself, but if they've done something wrong, then charge them under the law! If they haven't stolen, murdered, raped, attacked or intimidated anyone, then leave them alone!
To take away the children of political dissidents is a great evil. To remove the children from any parent is a terrible and grave act, full of awful repercussions for both the children and the parents. Once the principle of removal of children for ideological reasons has been established there will be no end to it.
All sorts of dissidents from 'nationalists' to 'social conservatives' to bloggers who step out of line will live under the shadow of the State kidnapping of their children.
Remove Johnson asap, or face the consequences of his corporate Bolshevik nightmare.

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