Wednesday 26 February 2014

Harriet Harman - Social Nihilist

Harriet Harman, her husband Jack Dromey, and Patricia Hewitt, three Labour Party bigwigs, are being investigated in detail, and with some venom, by the Daily Mail, for their role in the old National Council For Civil Liberties, and its connection with the 'Paedophile Information Bureau.'
It is an old story, yet one that needs to be told, and many of us have to laugh as the Revolution consumes its own.
Dromey comes from a London Irish background, but the two women, both radical feminists - needless to say - come from wealthy and privileged backgrounds.
All three have been caught up in corruption scandals.
Harriet Harman, in particular, is associated with the notorious Equality Act of 2010.
In the past year or so we have seen old male celebrities put on trial for molesting girls many years ago, but the Daily Mail story goes after the real culprits.
There is a real connection between the NCCL's support for paedophilia and the current anti-male, anti-working class paedophilia witch hunt - both are designed to destroy autonomous society, both are instigated by the rich and the powerful, the privileged, those integrated into the military bureaucratic complex, those who know better than us, those who want to destroy us.
Harman and Hewitt, apart from feathering their own nests, have dedicated their lives to destroying society in the service of Power. Ed Milliband, the Labour leader, likes to consider Harman a decent human being, but he is quite wrong. Her entire career has been based on spite, not love, dedeicated to the hatred of anything good. She has never surpassed the stage of spoilt little rich girl and her anger with the servants, who she fears, may have something she does not have.
She has dedicated her life to destroying the values and the families of the poor, to degrading and enslaving their children. Her career has been consistent throughout. The one consistent thread is her hatred of all that is good, all that is love.

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