Monday 17 February 2014

Belgium - Legal Murder

The Belgian parliament has voted to introduce so-called euthanasia for children. Euthanasia is assisted suicide, when someone wants to die, but for some reason is unable to kill themselves without help. Obviously, to make that decision, a person must be responsible, that is an adult. A child does not have the capacity to make responsible decisions, therefore, legal or not, to kill a child is by definition, murder.
Of course, the Belgian law is bound by many provisos, but I think we know from the experience with abortion that they will soon be forgotten.
Soon, all sorts of unviable children, perhaps eventually, those who are psychologically damaging to parents and teachers, will be put down.
In effect, the law legalises infanticide.
You can rest assured that the children who are murdered will be the children of the poor, such as the blacks in North America, girls in certain countries, perhaps the children of the overindoctrinated overseer class.
It is the vulnerable, the defenceless, the non-people, whose children are murdered, no doubt by court order - in the best interests of the child!
All those spina bifida people, Downs folk, all those inconvenient to consumption will be thrown on the pyre, like the children of ancient Carthage.

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