Saturday 8 February 2014

A Verse On Sunday

The Gospel According to John, chapter 1, verse 8

'He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness to that Light.'

How easy it is, as I know too well, to start thinking that you yourself are the Light, that somehow you too can do good, that you can save people from their earthly and everlasting perdition, that somehow your kindness, your goodness, can help people, taking for yourself the glory that belongs to God.
Moses made the same mistake on the border of the Promised Land. He began to believe that it was he who had led the Israelites to the land of milk and honey, rather than the Lord.
It is easy to feed our vanity by doing what is righteous in our own eyes, believing we are doing good, taking a misguided course of action, espousing certain political points of view which are in reality the fruit of our prejudices, our vanity and our misunderstanding rather than the will of God.
I am not the Light that shines in the darkness, and neither are you. For all our efforts we can neither help nor save anyone. Jesus Christ is the Light who shines in the darkness. Like John we are to bear witness to the Light, and never forget, as Moses did, that all the glory belongs to God.

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