Wednesday 3 July 2013

Gay Marriage Is Both Conservative and Homophobic

David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, has been much mocked for his comments that he supports the introduction of gay marriage because he is a Conservative. His words are met with incredulity both by conservatives and progressives, yet in this instance he is  both quite correct and quite sincere.
As a conservative, Cameron wishes to integrate and assimilate potentially oppositional groups into the hierarchy.
Originally, people began to identify themselves as homosexual as part of the post war opposition to the identification of masculinity with violence and militarism. Political homosexuality was supposed to be gentler than the hierarchy's portrayal of a real man as being some jerk in a uniform spending his days killing foreigners, and spending his nights conquering some woman with his mighty weapon.
Homosexuality, in those days, was a lifestyle choice. Political homosexuality was an act of freedom, an act of rebellion against the catastrophic patriarchy of the war economies.
Of course, Authority does not like opposition, and all morality is relative. So long as the groups expressing a particular morality are subservient to Authority and its Narrative, then everything is just ducky.
Hence, nowadays, in order to advance assimilation, Vichy Gays insist that we  see homosexuality as a biological predetermined imperative. To express the contrary view, that homosexuality is a cultural phenomenon, is to risk being damned as a bigot.
We must pretend that some people are born 'gay' or face the consequences of professional and possibly legal punishment.
By 'normalizing' homosexuality, one more act of opposition is tamed and assimilated.
Like all state-approved liberations the spirit of the original movement is destroyed by integration.
Instead of being an alternative lifestyle, homosexuals become supporters of the hierarchy, the very patriarchal structures they once opposed. By mimicking straight people with the parody of marriage they insult gays and straights alike.
The Gay Movement becomes so altered that it is destroyed. Through being co-opted by Authority, what was free becomes regulated, the poacher becomes the gamekeeper, the oppressed becomes the oppressor, the rebel becomes the policeman. Free speech and freedom of conscience are subverted.
Assimilation is part of the imperative of power; what cannot be destroyed is subverted and integrated.
Gay marriage is indeed Conservative, and homophobic too.

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