Wednesday 31 July 2013

Demic Kids

One in five children in England are diagnosed as having Special Educational Needs. Throughout the rest of the European Union the average is one in twenty five.
Most of these special needs children will be from working class families at working class schools. A high proportion of working class boys will have been damned as deficient from an early age.
Some years ago, when my own children were growing up, I was forced to admit to myself that the school authorities were trawling for trouble rather than teaching the young.
As a parent governor I had to listen to the head teacher's plans to have a quarter of the reception class seen by child psychologists. For some reason these four and five year olds were not fitting into the system. Obviously, in the eyes of the teaching profession, if a child got restless, due to the stultifying boredom and regimentation of the classroom, they were mentally ill.
When my children went to secondary school, I managed to get them into a school attended by children from managerial backgrounds. Nevertheless, the school needed to have a certain amount of demics for to tick the 'care' box. So, one day I received a letter concerning one of my children, a voracious reader, saying they wished to test her for dyslexia!
A friend of hers, who recently gained a first class honours degree at a good university, was diagnosed as dyspraxic, whatever that is, and allowed extra time in the exams!
Maybe all the modern kids are nutters, weirdoes and retards. Maybe they need the psychologists and drugs.
It can't be in the genes though! No, when foreigners settle here and bring their children or have their children here, their children become demic children too!
Maybe it's something in the air, or maybe it's all in the imagination of the overseer class, or maybe its something to do with the hierarchical imperative of power.      

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