Thursday 7 November 2013

State Feminism And A Lack Of Love

Mary Malone writes:
Over the years  I have taken on the occasional part time job, working in a friend's flower shop, doing small academic projects, but most of my activity has been within the private sphere. I often visit elderly aunts and help run a mum's 'n' tots group and take care of my husband and children.
All these years my husband has gone out and earned the money, which is very good of him, really.
In my opinion career women are fools, many of whom have serious issues. They are bitter resentful creatures in self-denial.
At work the rules which men play by are unsuited to women. At work men are playing. The competition between them is a game. Even warfare is often a game to them.
In the domestic sphere a woman needs to dominate, so while she serves her family she is is respected by them, and they learn to serve her too. The qualities that a woman requires at home can make her bossy and unreasonable in the work place. Her earnestness makes any competitiveness psychotic.
Nearly half graduate women are childless. Small wonder, for which man is genuinely interested in his wife's office work? After their own work, men just want to grab a bite to eat and go out to play, getting out from under our feet. When they return, bright eyed and  bushy tailed they are in a good mood to serve their women.
A career, a domesticated husband who cooks and cleans? No thanks. There's no love in equality, just masturbation.
Give me a real man who let's me be a real woman, who gives me a home, my children and lots of love.

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