Tuesday 5 November 2013

Christianity, Responsiblity and Growing Up

John Ball writes:
The Atheist worships the belly. Equality, envy and digestion is his creed. His morality is his appetite and his self-loathing. He respects no law but the law of power.
The Christian, though, knows the Law of God. The law of the Atheist is based solely on power, but the law of the Godly is based on authority, and that law is the Law of God, the Law of Love.
The Christian needs judgement and discernment when applying the Law of God. The Law is not a set of regulations requiring passive obedience, but a set of principles that need to be worked out in every day situations.
A Christian knows only one King, and that is God. A Christian is responsible to God alone and does not bow in craven obedience before the image of Caesar, the idol of Power.
In taking on the responsibility required by the Law of God, a Christian attains full adulthood. He is fully alive.
But the Atheist, the servant of idols, can never be more than a child, and a vicious one at that, one who wants to play her own game on her terms and who feels a grievance when things are not just how she wants them.
Christianity is rejected by most modern people in this country, and so is growing up. Autonomous action is replaced by blind obedience to Power. And Power demands that there is nothing above it, no Eternal God, no principles, no Law, no meaning beyond brute animal existence. The servants of Power are a bovine herd, easily guided by the stick and a barking dog. Snouts to the ground they think of nothing more than the belly, nothing more than what they want, and when they do not get their own way, well, they stomp their feet and cry.

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