Friday 8 November 2013

Ivan Illich - Deschooling Society

'Even the producers of body counts kill only bodies. By making men abdicate responsibility for their own growth, school leads many to a kind of spiritual suicide.'

'Health, education, personal mobility, welfare, or psychological healing are defined as the result of services or 'treatments.'

'Rich and poor alike depend on schools and hospitals which guide their lives, form their world view, and define for them what is legitimate and what is not.'

'During the sixties institutions born in different decades since the French Revolution simultaneously reached old age; public school systems founded in the time of Jefferson or of Atatürk, along with others started after World War II, all became bureaucratic, self-justifying and manipulative. The same thing happened to systems of social security, to labour unions, major churches and diplomacies, the care of the aged, and the disposal of the dead.
Today, for instance, the school system of Columbia, Britain, the USSR, and the US resemble each other more closely than US schools of the late 1890s resembled either today's schools or those of  their contemporaries in Russia. Today all schools are obligatory, open-ended, and competitive. The same convergence in institutional style affects health care, merchandising, personnel administration, and political life. All these institutional processes tend to pile up at the manipulative end of the spectrum.'

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