Saturday 26 October 2013

The Attributes Of God - Graciousness

John Ball writes:
God is gracious. He fills the world with his grace.
Grace is God's unmerited, unearned love and favour towards undeserving, selfish mankind.
Though we deserve the worst because we are such dreadful creatures, never in a million years being able to approach God's perfection, yet, fortunately for us, being totally kind and loving, total graciousness is one of God's attributes.
Though we deserve to live for eternity without God, in our own private hell, he sent our Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to pay for our sin.
I would call that very gracious indeed, especially since Jesus is God's only begotten Son.
God's grace is ever present in our lives, touching even those who do not believe. Even the worst heathen can enjoy love and beauty, the joy of creativity, fellowship with others, food, drink and shelter.
God's graciousness is overflowing. It is God's nature to give. It is God's nature to love. God is gracious to all his creatures, to all mankind, and particularly to us, his people, who believe in Him, who know his love, who are called to love Him forever.

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